
Markiesje Breed description: Character & Co


Life expectancy
12 - 14
Agile Friendly Quick

The Markiesje is an absolutely uncomplicated family dog and companion from the Netherlands.

The origin of the Markiesje

This dog has a long tradition in the Netherlands. Society paintings and engravings from the 17th and 18th centuries show dogs of the Markiesje type. However, the Markiesje has never been much fussed about. So the population of these animals had decreased dramatically in the 20th century. In the 1970s a woman named Mia van Woerden founded the association "Liefhebbers van het Markiesje" (Lovers of the Markiesje). This association still takes care of the preservation of the breed. Another name for this interesting breed is "Hollandse Tulphond" (Dutch Tulip Dog).

The breed characteristics of the Markiesje

Although the Markiesje is a Dutch original, it has not yet been recognized as an official dog breed by the FCI. This is not really understandable, because he has been bred almost pure for centuries. Nevertheless, unofficially he is counted to the FCI group 9 "society dogs".

Within the Netherlands the dog is very well a recognized and by the organized dog breeding cared for breed. For the Markiesje there is a breed standard, stud book and papers.

Among the Dutch, he has retained his reputation to this day as an uncomplicated, petite companion for singles, couples and families.

  1. old Dutch dog breed
  2. not recognized by the FCI
  3. is considered a great family dog
Banner: Shutterstock / Lostmidlander
Markiesje is lying on a green meadow and is about to fall asleep, Dutch Tulpemndog, black dog from Netherlands, Dutch dog breed for families, family dog, medium sized dog for families
Alternate Name Hollandse Tulphond
Origin Netherlands
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits and nature of the Markiesje

They are cheerful, bright fellows and always up for a joke. The Markiesje has a pronounced urge to move and likes to accompany you on very long walks. Dog sports and mental occupation are best suited for it. It is considered to be eager to learn, easy to train and friendly to people and animals.

We would like to see more attention for this great dog. If you are looking for an original and loyal friend for life, you are exactly right with a Markiesje!

  • absolutely uncomplicated
  • agile, cheerful and sporty
  • friendly to humans and animals


  • agile
  • friendly
  • quick


  • Family Dog

Breeding, acquisition and keeping of the Dutch family dog.

The attitude of this dog is absolutely uncomplicated. You should only allow it enough exercise. If you live alone, this faithful companion should not have to wait for you all day or at least have a fellow dog to play with.

In Germany there is a club that has taken care of this breed in a special way. If you want to buy a Markiesje puppy, you can ask the Markiesje club.

Markiesje, Dutch Tulpemnhund, black dog from Netherlands, Dutch dog breed for families, family dog, medium dog for families

The Markiesje is always black. The coat is of medium length, soft and shiny. The chest, ears, legs and tail are feathered. According to the breed standard, these beautiful animals may have white markings. However, these must remain below 40 percent of the color percentage and clearly dominate the black.

The conformation is elongated and graceful. On the whole, the Markiesje is an elegant and lovable appearance. The eyes are alert, the ears fly happily through the air and the long hairy tail is also constantly in use.

  • always black with smaller white markings
  • silky, medium long coat
  • elongated and very harmonious physique

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Markiesje

The height at withers of males is between 34 and 39 cm. Bitches are always somewhat smaller with 32 to 37 cm. The weight is 6 to 8 kg.

This happy little dog can easily reach an age of 12 years and more.

Fur length medium
Fur wavy
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 32 - 35 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 34 - 39 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 8 kg
Suitable For -


black and white black and white

Other medium dogs

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