Podengo Português

Podengo Português Breed description: Character & Co

Podengo Português

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Affectionate Sensitive Active Family-friendly Friendly Intelligent Companionable

The Podengo Português is the Portuguese counterpart to the Spanish Podenco. It comes in small, medium and large.

The origin of the Podengo Português

Podengos were originally robust Mediterranean hunting dogs. The large types go back to oriental sighthounds. In the course of the centuries, several other breeds crossed over. How exactly the later Podengo Português originated, is no longer comprehensible today.

From 1933 onwards, the Podengo Português was specifically bred from many different regional breeds. Official breed standards in three size categories have existed since 1954.

The breed characteristics of the Podengo Português

Depending on the type, these dogs are quite different. It exists as

  1. Podengo Português Grande (large)
  2. Podengo Português Médio (medium)
  3. Podengo Português Pequeno (small)

The large dog is the most similar to the greyhounds. It is mainly bred in the east of Portugal and is very rare.

As a médio, this dog is quite often encountered as a farm and social dog in the north of the country.

The small one is a rough-coated variety and almost resembles a terrier more. Podengo Português Pequeno are popular house and family dogs.

The FCI lists all three varieties under one breed name and Standard 94, Group 5: Spitz and primitive type dogs and Section 7: Dogs for hunting.

  • regionally very different varieties
  • in three sizes
  • versatile hunting, farm and family dog
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Podengo Portugues small, rough haired dog from Portugal, red white dog, orange colored dog, dog with prick ears, hunting dog, family dog, small family dog with brown white coat, smooth coat Podengo Portugues puppy small, rough haired dog from Portugal, red white dog, orange colored dog, dog with standing ears, hunting dog, family dog, small family dog with brown white coat, smooth coat Podengo Portugues big, rough haired dog from Portugal, red white dog, orange colored dog, dog with standing ears, hunting dog, family dog Podengo Portugues, rough haired dog from Portugal, red white dog, orange coloured dog, dog with prick ears, hunting dog, family dog
Alternate Name Portuguese warren hound
Origin Portugal
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Primitive type - Hunting Dogs
AKC group Miscellaneous Group
KC group Hound Group

Character traits and nature of the Podengo Português

The Podengo is like its other sighthound-like breeds extremely sensitive, affectionate and people-friendly.

The need to run and hunt is not as strong with him. With many walks, free running or moderate dog sport these animals are absolutely content. Nevertheless, caution is advised with rabbits and other close small animals.

Especially the medium and small Podengo Português breeds are excellent and lovable family dogs.

They are easily trainable and obedient, like to live close to their people and in a comfortable home.

  • athletic, but moderate racing needs
  • needs exercise and moderate occupation
  • people friendly and open


  • affectionate
  • sensitive
  • active
  • family-friendly
  • friendly
  • intelligent
  • companionable


  • Hunting Dog
  • Family Dog

Breed-typical diseases of the Podengo Português

None known.

Breeding, acquisition and keeping of the Podengo Português

The keeping of this dog is uncomplicated. Small and medium sized dogs feel comfortable in city apartments with enough exercise.

Podengo Português breeders are rather rare in German-speaking countries. Maybe private people offer a litter from time to time.

This dog is absolutely something for animal protectors! Like the Spanish Podenco, there are also the Podengo Português in all varieties almost in masses from the animal agency. Who has a heart, looks there for a dear and very grateful dog. Pay attention thereby to respectable switching, appropriate protection amounts as well as tests on Mediterranean epidemics like the Leishmaniose.

Podengo Portugues, rough haired dog from Portugal, red white dog, orange coloured dog, dog with prick ears, hunting dog, family dog, Wirehaired Dog

The dog exists with short as well as coarse and somewhat longer hair. The small Podengo Português tend to show the long coat, while the Grande is more common as a short-haired variety. Colors range from many brown and white pied to cream and dark types.

The head of most Podengo Português today more closely resembles the Spitz. For this reason, the FCI also lists it among the Spitz. The ears are large and erect. The tail varies from small to long. Some types carry them pointed, others slightly curled or tucked in like the greyhounds.

All have in common a harmonious and sportive compact build. Small Podengo Português appear rather stocky and sturdy, the large ones graceful and noble.

  1. in rough and smooth coat
  2. pointed head with large ears
  3. resembles sometimes more the greyhound, sometimes small terriers or the Spitz

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Podengo Português

  • Podengo Português Grande, height at withers 55 to 70 cm, weight 20 to 30 kg
  • Podengo Português Médio, height at withers 40 to 54 cm, weight 16 to 20 kg
  • Podengo Português Pequeno, height at withers 20 to 30 cm, weight 4 to 6 kg
  • life expectancy approx. 12 years
Fur length short
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 20 - 70 cm
Weight ♀ 4 - 30 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 4 - 30 kg
Suitable For -


black blackgrey greyfawn fawngold goldred-white red-white

Other medium dogs

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