Welsh sheepdog

Welsh sheepdog Breed description: Character & Co

Welsh sheepdog

Life expectancy
12 - 15
Active Awake Active Assertive Independent Educable Smart

What is the origin of a Welsh Sheepdog?

The Welsh Sheepdog - in his country of origin also called Ci Defaid Cymreig - is a working dog.

is a working or herding dog originally from Wales. Little is known about the exact origins of the breed, but there are documents which prove that the ancestors of the industrious and hard-working four-legged friends were already in use about 800 years ago to keep together and protect the herds of cattle of the farmers from morning to night. It was from this original type of herding dog that the Welsh Sheepdog ultimately developed in its modern form. It was not until the end of the 20th century, around 1997, that the Welsh Sheepdog Society was finally founded, which set itself the goal of promoting the breed in its original context and thus as working or herding dogs, and of contributing to their preservation. Especially the growing popularity of the Border Collie was a decisive factor, as it replaced the Welsh Sheepdog more and more as a breed.

What are the breed characteristics

The Welsh Sheepdog or Ci Defaid Cymreig is not yet recognized as a separate breed by the FCI.

Typically, its appearance is that of a slightly smaller and stockier shorthaired collie. It is generally regarded as a working or herding dog, which is primarily bred for functional criteria or working performance. Accordingly, congeners of the breed are rather not suitable as pure family dogs and should always have a demanding task.

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Alternate Name Ci Defaid Cymreig
Origin UK
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

What are typical character traits

Welsh Sheepdogs are considered to be particularly intelligent, hard-working and agile four-legged friends: They are capable of independently guarding herds, for example, and making sensible decisions themselves, as well as accepting and unconditionally following instructions from their masters. The breed is therefore additionally characterized by loyalty as well as a high will to work and loves to be active and to master challenges. As a family dog, the Welsh Shepherd is accordingly only recommended if sufficient physical and mental exercise are guaranteed. Otherwise, the industrious Welsh like to find something to do themselves or get attention and exercise by being loud (increased barking). A large yard, a lot of nature and plenty of exercise are further crucial minimum requirements to be able to offer your four-legged friend a happy life.


  • active
  • awake
  • active
  • assertive
  • independent
  • educable
  • smart


  • Herding Dog
  • Working Dog
  • Sheepdog

What are typical diseases of the welsh sheepdog?

A typical disease of the Welsh Sheepdog is the elbow dysplasia. In addition, regular ear and eye examinations should be carried out in order to avoid inflammations in the corresponding areas.


The Welsh Sheepdog is one of the less common dog breeds, so it can be difficult to find puppies or a suitable breeder. It is advisable to carry out a comprehensive search and to enquire at the "Club für Britische Hütehunde e. V." or the Welsh Sheepdog Society. Here you will certainly get further helpful tips on the breed, its keeping, exact costs as well as special challenges that you can expect in everyday life.

Welsh Sheepdog, Ci Defaid Cymreig, black and white dog, dog with merle look, Border Collie like, Welsh dog breed, dog from England, British dog breed medium size, dog with long coat like Collie, dog with prick ears and floppy ears, herding dog, sheepdog

Externally, the Welshman strongly resembles a collie, but is slightly smaller and has a shorter coat. This coat should usually be smooth and of medium length at most. It is considered to be particularly weatherproof and can be of completely different colours. Permissible are tri-color markings, but also pure black or black coat with a white blaze, white collar, white underside or white chest.

In addition, the following coat colours are possible:

  • Merle
  • Blue-Merle
  • Red-white
  • Tan
  • Black-Tan

How big does he grow

The Welsh Sheepdog usually reaches a height of up to 45 cm, with females remaining slightly smaller than their male counterparts, as usual.

How much does the dog weigh

The Welsh four-legged dog ideally or at an average size will weigh up to 16 kg, bitches as usual should remain slightly lighter according to their tendency to be smaller.

How old does a Sheepdog become

The Welsh Sheepdog is considered to be a very robust dog breed, which is why it can live up to 12 or even 15 years. Of course, the age is always dependent on the exact housing conditions and / or certain pre-existing conditions and possible health problems.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 38 - 44 cm
Weight ♀ 12 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 40 - 45 cm
Weight ♂ 12 - 16 kg
Suitable For -


Merle Merleblack and white black and whitetricolour tricolourred-white red-white
  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • Elbow dysplasia (ED)

    Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast growing dog breeds.

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