
Pekinese breed description
Origin China
Size ♀ small
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Breed description Spanish Water Dog
Spanish Water Dog
Origin Spain
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Herding Dog, Therapy Dog
Entlebucher Mountain Dog Breed Description
Entlebuch Cattle Dog
Origin Switzerland
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Companion Dog, Herding Dog
Landseer dog breed description
Origin Canada
Size ♀ large
Fur flat coated
Fur length medium
Usage Watchdog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Cane corso,Carnivore,Snout,Molosser,Olde english bulldogge, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Guard dog,Carnivore,Great dane,Cane corso,Snout,
Italian Daniff Hybrid Breed
Origin Italy / Germany
Size ♀ large
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog
Dwarf poodle profile picture
Miniature Poodle
Origin Germany
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Family Dog
Boerboel breed description
Origin South Africa
Size ♀ large
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog
Dog,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Mammal,Carnivore,Snout,American pit bull terrier,Sporting Group,Companion dog,
American Pit Bull Terrier
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog, Companion Dog, Family Dog
Lagotto Romagnolo Italian Water Dog Breed Description
Lagotto Romagnolo
Origin Italy
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog
Papillon dog breed description
Origin France
Size ♀ small
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Companion Dog
Canary Dog, Dogo Canario dog
Presa Canario
Origin Spain
Size ♀ large
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog
Schnoodle Hybrid Breed
Origin USA
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length medium
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie breed description
Shetland Sheepdog
Origin Scotland
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Herding Dog
Breed description of a white small dog named Bichon Frise
Bichon Frisé
Origin France
Size ♀ small
Fur curly
Fur length short
Usage Family Dog
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Welsh Corgi,Carnivore,Cardigan welsh corgi,Pembroke welsh corgi,Snout,
Origin England
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Herding Dog
Lioness breed description
Origin France
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Companion Dog, Family Dog
Borzoi breed description
Origin Russia
Size ♀ large
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Hunting Dog, Family Dog, Race Dog
Aussiedoodle Hybrid Breed
Origin Australia
Size ♀ medium
Fur curly
Fur length long
Usage Watchdog, Companion Dog, Herding Dog
Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund Breed description BGH
Bavarian Mountain Hound
Origin Germany
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length short
Usage Hunting Dog
Broholmer breed description
Origin Denmark
Size ♀ large
Fur -
Fur length short
Usage Watchdog, Companion Dog
Spitz breed description
Origin Germany
Size ♀ medium
Fur flat coated
Fur length long
Usage Family Dog
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Austrian Pinscher

Fox Terrier

Border Terrier

