Croatian sheepdog

Croatian sheepdog Breed description: Character & Co

Croatian sheepdog

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Agile Energetic Intelligent Companionable Concentrated Shrewd

What is the origin of the Hrvatski ovčar?

The Croatian Shepherd Dog - also known as the Croatian Sheepdog- already looks back on a long tradition in its country of origin, Croatia. For more than 1000 years he has been used to reliably drive herds of cattle from one pasture to another, to herd them, to keep them together and to protect them from attacks. Accordingly, the breed is also ideally suited as a guard dog, distinguished above all by its vigilance, courage as well as loyalty to its master and family. Despite this already long and successful use of the breed, a breed standard was nevertheless only established in 1951. A few years later - in 1968 - the official recognition by the "Yugoslavian Cynological Association" followed and a short time later also that by the FCI under No. 277 and its national designation "Hrvatski ovčar".

What are the breed characteristics Hrvatski ovčar?

The Croatian Shepherd Dog is recognized as a breed by the FCI in Group I "Shepherd Dogs", Section 1 "Herding Dogs and Cattle Dogs". It is counted among the medium-sized dogs and is primarily conspicuous for its dense black coat, its pointed, fox-like head shape and its athletic, muscular stature.

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Alternate Name Croatian shepherd dog, Hrvatski ovčar
Origin Croatia
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Sheepdogs
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

What are the typical characteristics of the Croatian Sheepdog?

The breed of the Croatian Sheepdog is characterized in particular by absolute reliability and loyalty. A close relationship with their family and their master is particularly dear to the breed's congeners. They are also very adaptable, docile and usually do not question instructions. Furthermore, the Croatian Shepherd is characterized by the following traits:

  • liveliness and a cheerful temperament
  • Perseverance and patience
  • Alertness
  • Courage
  • prudence
  • Acumen and intelligence


  • agile
  • energetic
  • intelligent
  • companionable
  • concentrated
  • shrewd


  • Sheepdog
  • Watchdog
black dog breed, Croatian shepherd dog, Hrvatski ovčar, Croatian shepherd dog, sheep dog, dog from Croatia, dog similar to Pumi, dog similar to Spitz, black dog, medium dog, shepherd dog, dog with prick ears on a gravel floor

What are typical diseases

The Croatian Shepherd Dog is generally considered to be a very robust breed, specific diseases are not known so far. However, this may also be due to the fact that he belongs to the rather rare dog breeds so far.

What to consider when breeding Croatian Shepherd Dogs

While the family-friendly and truly special breed has long been established in Croatia, the Croatian Shepherd Dog is still largely unknown outside the Balkan borders. Accordingly, it is very difficult to find a breeder or generally take in one of these dogs. Above all, a lot of patience and perseverance are ultimately necessary if you have decided with full conviction for the breed - you will probably also have to take a trip to Croatia if you are specifically looking for a purebred Hrvatski ovčar. The financial costs can be quite different and depend especially on the total cost of the "adoption". In any case, it is important to carefully check the environment from which your future faithful companion comes and to attach importance to all important documents - such as a vaccination certificate, if available.

black dog breed, Croatian shepherd dog, Hrvatski ovčar, Croatian shepherd dog, sheep dog, dog from Croatia, dog similar to Pumi, dog similar to Spitz, black dog, medium dog, shepherd dog, dog with standing ears

Its dense black and usually medium-length coat as well as its muscular and athletic body make the Croatian Shepherd a particularly graceful dog breed. This very noble appearance is additionally supported by the rather pointed head shape. Occasionally there are special features in the coat, such as white spots or white paws. The ears of the Croatian Shepherd Dog are triangular and usually erect, his tail is rather short.

In its entirety, the Croatian Shepherd Dog has the appearance of a lively, proud as well as very agile and alert herding dog. Its usually almond-shaped and chestnut-brown, extremely friendly eyes also contribute to this.

How big is the shepherd dog?

The Croatian Shepherd Dog is counted among the medium-sized dogs due to his usual height at the withers of 45 to 50 cm. Bitches usually remain slightly smaller.

How much does the shepherd dog weigh?

The body weight of the Croatian Shepherd Dog also varies, mainly according to sex. As a rule, conspecifics of the breed with an average size should maintain a body weight of about 15 kg. Bitches can be expected to weigh a little less.

How old does the dog become

Unfortunately, there is no really reliable information about the life expectancy of this special and still rare breed. With an appropriate attitude and nutrition 12 years or more should be quite possible.

Fur length long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail stubby
Anatomy massive, strong, sporty
Size ♀ 40 - 50 cm
Weight ♀ 11 - 19 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 53 cm
Weight ♂ 13 - 20 kg
Suitable For -


black black
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black dog breed, Croatian shepherd dog, Hrvatski ovčar, Croatian shepherd dog, sheep dog, dog from Croatia, dog similar to Pumi, dog similar to Spitz, black dog, medium dog, shepherd dog, dog with prick ears has curls after swimming
black dog breed, Croatian shepherd dog, Hrvatski ovčar, Croatian shepherd dog, sheep dog, dog from Croatia, dog similar to Pumi, dog similar to Spitz, black dog, medium dog, shepherd dog, dog with prick ears on a gravel floor

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