Galgo Espanol

Galgo Espanol Breed description: Character & Co

Galgo Espanol

Life expectancy
12 - 13
Affectionate Friendly Suspicious Quite Faithfully

The Galgo Español belongs to the group of sighthounds and is recognized by the FCI as a Spanish dog breed (FCI Group 10, Section 3, Standard No. 285).

Origin and history of the Galgo Español

If you trace the history of the Galgo Español, you inevitably end up in the time of the Celts, who went hunting with this dog breed as early as the 6th century BC. It was also the Celts who brought the Galgo to the Iberian Peninsula. The naming is due to the fact that after the victory over the Celts, the Romans called the breed "Canis Gallicus", which means nothing else than Gallic dog. This expression later gave rise to the term "Galgo".

The Moors, who ruled the Iberian Peninsula from the 8th to the 15th century, also contributed to the appearance of today's Galgo Español with the breeds they brought with them, the Sloughi and the Podenco Ibicenco, by crossing the breeds with each other.

The Galgo Español is considered the ancestor of the English Greyhound. Since both breeds look very similar and were frequently interbred in the last century for the purpose of optimizing them for dog racing, it is often difficult to distinguish between them.

Banner: Shutterstock / Dora Zett
Dog,Vertebrate,Canidae,Mammal,Whippet,Dog breed,Italian greyhound,Carnivore,Magyar agár,Sighthound, Galgo Espanol puppy, small Spanish greyhound brindle, brindle dog from Spain, racing dog, dog breed from Spain with tiger pattern Galgo Espanol, Spanish dog, greyhound from Spain, brown white greyhound, big dog breed, fast dog breed, Spanish greyhound jumps in the air on a field of flowers Galgo Espanol, Spanish dog, greyhound from Spain, brown white greyhound, big dog breed, fast dog breed
Alternate Name Spanish Greyhound
Origin Spain
Life expectancy 12 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Short-haired Sighthounds
AKC group Hound Group
KC group not recognised

Nature and character traits of the Spanish Greyhound

  • in the house very calm and balanced
  • inconspicuous and good to lead
  • unproblematic in living together with other dogs
  • very affectionate and strongly fixated on the person to whom he is attached
  • reserved, but not aggressive towards strangers
  • in the open extremely high movement urge
  • strong hunting instinct
  • with affectionate training well to educate
  • also suitable for beginners


The Galgo was originally bred for hunting hares. In Spain it is still used in this field, while in Germany rather other breeds are preferred. Therefore, the Galgo serves in this country rather as a companion dog. The Galgo is also well suited for dog racing, as his strong urge to move can be optimally satisfied here.


  • affectionate
  • friendly
  • suspicious
  • quite
  • faithfully


  • Family Dog
  • Race Dog
  • Hunting Dog

Diseases and life expectancy of the Galgo Espanol

The Galgo Español is generally considered to be a very healthy dog. Breed-typical illnesses are hardly known, at most tartar is registered above average frequently. Due to their breeding for performance, Galgos are extremely resistant and less susceptible to diseases and allergies.

The Galgo Español reaches a life expectancy of 12-13 years, although older dogs are not uncommon.

Galgo Espanol mackerel, tiger coloured Galgo Espanol, greyhound

Despite the impressive size of 60-70 cm - whereby males are on average a few centimetres taller than females - the Galgo only reaches a weight of 20-30 kilograms due to its extremely slender build.

The head is elongated and the heel of the forehead is hardly visible. The Galgo Español's eyes are small and oval, and because they are set off to the side, they ensure good all-round vision, making this breed ideal for hunting with sight.

The long, slender neck and the long front and hind legs give the Galgo a very elegant appearance, which is further emphasized by the easily visible muscles and tendons on the hind legs. The Galgo's ribs are highly visible and often, but falsely, appear to the layman to be an indication of malnutrition. The drooping tail, about 50 cm long, describes an upward pointing curve in the lower third.

The coat of the Galgo can be either smooth or coarse. There are no colour requirements for the breed. All colors are permitted.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, dainty, sporty
Size ♀ 60 - 70 cm
Weight ♀ 23 - 25 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 20 - 30 kg
Suitable For -


many manyCurrent Currentbrown-white brown-whitewhite white

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