Louisiana Catahoula Bulldog

Louisiana Catahoula Bulldog Breed description: Character & Co

Louisiana Catahoula Bulldog

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Independent Energetic Intelligent Affectionate Inquisitive

What is the origin of the hybrid dog Catahoula Bulldog?

The creation of the Catahoula bulldogs is exciting. They were bred from American Bulldog and Catahoula Leopard Dog when English settlers took their dogs from England to their new home in America and started mating their dogs there. The Catahoula Bulldog is also called Catbull for short and was bred as a farm dog. Since all kinds of needs were taken into account here, there is no uniform standard for this breed, since it never has been a dog used for exhibitions.

What are the breed characteristics of the Catahoula Bulldog?

They are strong, medium-sized dogs. They are considered to be a little stubborn, but they can be trained very well with a little sensitivity and consistency. These loyal four-legged friends are very attentive, while at the same time hardly ever showing aggression.

Profile of the Catahoula Bulldog

  • Origin: America
  • Breed: not recognised by the FCI due to it being a hybrid breed
  • Use: domestic and farm dog
  • Life expectancy: around 14 years
  • Characteristics: intelligent, more pronounced will to please, loyal, sporty and attentive
Banner: Shutterstock / Eudyptula
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Carnivore,Great dane,Snout,Sporting Group,Non-Sporting Group, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,White,Carnivore,Great dane,Snout,Dalmatian, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Hound,Hunting dog,Louisiana catahoula leopard dog,Polish hunting dog, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Sporting Group,Louisiana catahoula leopard dog,Hunting dog,Puppy,
Alternate Name Catbull, Catahoula, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, Catahoula Leopard Dog
Origin USA
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group Foundation Stock Service
KC group working group

Louisiana Catahoula Bulldog mixes


What are the typical character traits of the Catahoula Bulldog?

These dogs have a pronounced will to please, which means that they like to please their owners which makes them learn quickly since they wanna do everything right. Although they are considered stubborn and often only listen at second attempt, they are extremely good-natured. If you want to buy a Catahoula Bulldog, you should not underestimate the strength of these dogs. Therefore, Catahoula Bulldog puppies are not dogs for first-time dog owners. A responsible Catahoula Bulldog breeder should make you aware of this.

In the UKC he is listed as a Herding Dog, in the AKC he is in the Foundatin Stock Service, he is not recognised by the FCI.


  • independent
  • energetic
  • intelligent
  • affectionate
  • inquisitive


  • Watchdog
  • Herding Dog
  • Working Dog
  • Hunting Dog
  • Wild Boar Hunting dog

What are typical diseases of the Catahoula Bulldog?

The colour variation merle, which actually results from a genetic defect, can increasingly lead to skin problems. Specimens where the percentage of white in their fur colour is more than 80 are at an increased risk for deafness. Merle carriers are also more prone to diseases, this is not only the case for this particular breed. A good Catahoula Bulldog breeder, however, pays attention to responsible mating in which hereditary diseases can be avoided as much as possible.

  1. deafness
  2. skin problems - especially with MERLE

What needs to be considered when breeding Catahoula Bulldog?

Since this breed often has a high proportion of white or the colour sand, merle carriers are difficult to recognise. It is therefore important that a Catahoula Bulldog breeder takes a close look at their genetics in order to avoid malformations and diseases.

Louisana Catahoula Dog Profile Picture Breed Description of Merle Colored Dog

If you want to buy a Catahoula Bulldog, you will get a dog with a short and easily maintainable coat. Their fur is close to their body and comes in many different colour variations. Whether it be dotted, blue or red merle, white, brown, bi-coloured, tri-coloured or white with badges.

What is the average size of a Catahoula Bulldog?

Catahoula Bulldog puppies grow into well-built dogs with a shoulder height of 50 cm to 66 cm.

How much does a Catahoula Bulldog weigh?

As an adult dog, the Catbull weighs between 30 kg and 45 kg. Due to their beefy physique they can appear stronger and heavier.

What is the average life expectancy of a Catahoula Bulldog?

Catbulls reach an average of 14 years of age.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, strong, square
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 30 - 45 kg
Size ♂ 50 - 66 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 45 kg
Suitable For -


tricolour tricolourMerle Merlebrown-white brown-whiteSpotted Spottedblack grey black greyBlue Blue

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