French Spaniel

French Spaniel Breed description: Character & Co

French Spaniel

Life expectancy
12 - 14
Adaptable Energetic Intelligent Quietly

What is the origin of the Epagneul Français?

The Epagneul Français has its origins in France in the Middle Ages and comes from the so-called quail dog, which was used for hunting partridges and pheasants. The passionate hunting dog was already kept at the court of Louis XII, as historical sources and paintings show. In the course of the French Revolution, a lot of French breeds disappeared in the turmoil of the country. The French Spaniel also almost became a victim of the political turmoil. It wasn't until around 1850 that interest in native breeds reawakened in France, so the priest Abbe Fournier gathered some of the endangered French Spaniels into his St. Hilaire kennel and began breeding again.

What are the breed characteristics of the Epagneul Français?

The Epagneul Français is a dog breed recognized by the FCI. Assigned to group 7, they belong to the pointing dogs, more precisely to the continental pointing dogs type "Spaniel" with working test (section 1.2, standard no. 175). The French Spaniel is of medium size and has a harmonious, well-proportioned build. It is considered to be robust, strong and intelligent. Furthermore, it has an excellent sense of smell and is a brilliant hunting dog.

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French Spaniel, Epagneul Français, large breed dog from France, hunting dog, hunting dog breed, red and white dog with points, spaniel or pointer for French hunters, brown and white dog with wavy coat, long coat, black and white French Spaniel during agility training, dog sports French Spaniel, Epagneul Français, large breed dog from France, hunting dog, hunting dog breed, red and white dog with points, spaniel or pointer for French hunters, cinnamon colored dog with wavy coat, long coat French Spaniel, Epagneul Français, Large Dog Breed from France, Hunting Dog, Hunting Dog Breed, Red and White Dog with Points, Spaniel or Pointer for French Hunters, Brown and White Dog with Wavy Coat, Long Coat French Spaniel, Epagneul Français, Large Dog Breed from France, Hunting Dog, Hunting Dog Breed, Red and White Dog with Points, Spaniel or Pointer for French Hunters, Brown and White Dog with Wavy Coat, Long Coat, Red and White Puppy French Spaniel
Alternate Name Epagneul Français
Origin France
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Continental Pointing Dogs
AKC group Foundation Stock Service
KC group not recognised

What are the typical character traits of the Epagneul Français?

The French Spaniel is very sociable and cheerful, it does not like to be left alone. However, it accepts short periods of waiting, provided it is accustomed to this from an early age. The Spaniel gets on extremely well with children, is rather reserved and very gentle. The intelligent four-legged friend is very obedient and quickly understands what is expected of it. The education of the dog is therefore even fun and relatively easy, if you have patience and consistently follow a line. Because of its hunting instinct, the French Spaniel needs a lot of exercise and occupation, also mentally. Hunting training is not a must, but it does benefit the dog's disposition greatly. As a family dog, the Epagneul Français is quite suitable, provided you can meet its need for regular exercise. An alternative to hunting, for example, is dog sports, where the Spaniel can exercise and indulge its instincts in a playful way.


  • adaptable
  • energetic
  • intelligent
  • quietly


  • Hunting Dog

What are typical diseases of the Epagneul Français?

Overall, the French Spaniel is considered a nature-loving, robust animals. However, the breed is susceptible to the following diseases:

Epagneul Français breeding - where, how, what?

If you want to take in an Epagneul Français, it is not easy to find the right breeder. Outside of France the breed is very rare, often the breeders give their puppies exclusively to hunters. If you have found an address, the puppies should be dewormed several times, vaccinated and chipped. Furthermore, they should have pedigree papers, a health certificate and a vaccination certificate.

French Spaniel, espagneul Francais, brown white dog with hairy ears

The coat of the Epagneul Français is relatively long and wavy on the ears and tail. On the rest of the body it lies smooth, it is very dense and silky. The congenial quadrupeds are white and brown with irregular plates and spotting. Some are moldy or spotted. The brown ranges from a cinnamon to dark liver color. Some animals have a white blaze on the head, but this is not a must.

How big does an Epagneul Français grow?

The males reach a height at the withers of 55 to 63 centimetres, the females remain somewhat smaller with 54 to 61 centimetres.

How much does an Epagneul Français weigh?

Both the females and the males weigh between 24 and 26 kilograms.

How old does an Epagneul Français become?

The life expectancy of a French Spaniel is between 12 and 14 years.

Fur length medium
Fur wavy
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 54 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 24 - 26 kg
Size ♂ 55 - 63 cm
Weight ♂ 24 - 26 kg
Suitable For -


brown-white brown-whiteSpotted Spotted
  • ear canal inflammation

    Chronic inflammation of the ear canal can occur in some breeds. Common in dogs that like to swim.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

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