Tyrolean Hound

Tyrolean Hound Breed description: Character & Co

Tyrolean Hound

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Active Persistent Independent Shrewd Fearless

Origin of the Tiroler Hound

The Tyrolean Hound is most likely descended from an original Hound, which was already used as a hunting dog in the times of the Celts.

Emperor Maximilian I is said to have used dogs of this type for hunting around 1500. Since then the breed has hardly changed externally.

Around 1860 pure breeding began and in 1896 a first standard was created. Since 1908 the breed is officially recognized. In Tyrol, the pretty Hounds is still the most widespread hunting dog.

Banner: Shutterstock / Lichtflut
Tyrolean Bracke puppy, hunting dog from Austria, Austrian dog breed, dog for hunters, small dog breed with floppy ears, knee high dog, tricoloured dog, dog similar to Beagle, dog similar to Dachsbracke, dog similar to Gebirgsschweißhund, independent breed Tyrolean Bracke, hunting dog from Austria, Austrian dog breed, dog for hunters, small dog breed with floppy ears, knee high dog, tricoloured dog, dog similar to Beagle, dog similar to Badger Bracke, dog similar to Mountain Sweat Dog, independent breed Tyrolean Bracke, hunting dog from Austria, Austrian dog breed, dog for hunters, small dog breed with floppy ears, knee high dog, tricoloured dog, dog similar to Beagle, dog similar to Badger Bracke, dog similar to Mountain Sweat Dog, independent breed Tyrolean Bracke, hunting dog from Austria, Austrian dog breed, dog for hunters, small dog breed with floppy ears, knee high dog, tricoloured dog, dog similar to Beagle, dog similar to Badger Bracke, dog similar to Mountain Sweat Dog, independent breed
Alternate Name -
Origin Austria
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Typical character traits

Hounds are hunting dogs with heart and soul. At the same time, they are also loyal and have always taken on tasks in the protection of the house or yard.

Basically, these animals attach themselves to a human being. They want to be led, guided and fed by them. In families and without this permanent reference person, working dogs like the Tyrolean Hound easily get lost.

With a Bracke you get a friend and companion for life. However, you must offer the dog enough activity and consider that hunting is his favorite activity.

  • passionate hunting dog
  • needs a firm reference person

Ideal attitude of the hunting dog

A Tiroler Hound needs exercise and exercise. Even at home a garden or a larger plot of land should be available. Traditionally, Hound were kept in kennels on their own. This is no longer common today. Nevertheless, this dog needs his retreats and times to himself.

  • Keeping only in the country with space and work
  • needs retreat possibilities


  • active
  • persistent
  • independent
  • shrewd
  • fearless


  • Hunting Dog

Care and health of the Tiroler Hound

The care effort for this short-haired dog breed is limited. Only if the Bracke is very dirty, it needs help by brushing, a bath or a paw wash.

Hereditary and breed diseases do not occur.

How much does the dog breed cost and what should be considered when breeding?

Puppies can be bought in Southern Germany and Austria from passionate breeders. However, they will put you through your paces to see if you are the right owner for a Tiroler Hound.

If you are a nature boy or a passionate hunter you will get such a dog at any time. For the city apartment and as a cuddly companion rather not.

The costs for puppies are about 1000 Euro, depending on the pedigree.

If you are interested, the German Club Tiroler Hound e.V. or the Austrian pedant will help you.

Tyrolean Bracke, hunting dog from Austria, Austrian dog breed, dog for hunters, small dog breed with floppy ears, knee high dog, tricoloured dog, dog similar to Beagle, dog similar to Badger Bracke, dog similar to Mountain Sweat Dog, independent breed

The coat of the Tyrolean Hound consists of very dense but short and rather coarse fur. Typical colours are red or mostly black-red. Very rare, but according to the standard permitted are tricoloured Bracken. The ears hang down to the flews, are large, round and end downwards in a rounded tip.

According to the standard, males should reach 44 to 50 cm and females 42 to 48 cm height at withers. The weight is not fixed, but is usually between 18 to 22 kilograms.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged, strong, sporty
Size ♀ 42 - 48 cm
Weight ♀ 17 - 21 kg
Size ♂ 44 - 50 cm
Weight ♂ 18 - 22 kg
Suitable For -


red redyellow yellowblack black

Other medium dogs

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