Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier Breed description: Character & Co

Kerry Blue Terrier

Life expectancy
13 - 15
Quick Temperamental Fearless Vigilant

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a pleasant family dog that is alert and fearless in defending its home.

What is the origin of Kerry Blue Terriers?

Originating from Ireland, the working dog was also known as Irish blue in the past. The dog was used as a guard dog and rat catcher on farms and was used for hunting because of its endurance. First breed descriptions are known since the middle of the 19th century. In 1913 the Terrier gained greater fame and spread through dog shows. In 1920 the Dublin Blue Terrier Club was founded. Since that time only dogs with a silver or blue-black coat were recognized. The breed recognition by the FCI took place in 1922 (number 3, group 3, section 1). From 1928 on, the dog breed found worldwide distribution.

Banner: Shutterstock / Jne Valokuvaus
Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face Kerry Blue Terrier puppy, blue dog with curls, blue dog breed, puppy from Ireland, Irish dog breed, dog from Ireland
Alternate Name Blue Irish Terrier
Origin Ireland
Life expectancy 13 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Bull type Terriers
AKC group Terrier Group
KC group Terrier Group

What are typical character traits of Kerry Blue Terriers?

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a typical representative of the terriers. It is spirited and fearless and appears particularly self-confident. This intelligent dog is a quick learner and likes to be exercised both mentally and physically. Dog sports are one of its favorite activities. It is closely tied to its family and wants to accompany the family in all undertakings. Since the terrier sometimes behaves boisterously, it needs a consistent, loving upbringing. In order for it to learn quickly, it must be able to grasp the meaning of the exercises. This robust dog has retained many of the characteristics of the original breed. It is alert and defends his people to the utmost. However, with proper training, the Kerry Blue Terrier is not prone to aggression or nervousness. It also gets along well with children. The hunting instinct and the preference for bathing in water have been preserved.


  • quick
  • temperamental
  • fearless
  • vigilant


  • Family Dog
Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face

What are typical diseases of Kerry Blue Terriers?

Some hereditary diseases are known in the dog breed:

  • CMSD multiple system degeneration: neurological disease with movement disorders. The dogs die at the age of 18 months.
  • malignant hyperthermia
  • hyperuricosuria: uric acid in the blood is increased. Liver and kidney diseases are the result.
  • blood coagulation disorder due to factor XI deficiency
  • skin diseases

Kerry Blue Terrier breeding - where, how, what?

In order to buy a healthy puppy, it should be purchased from a breeder.

You can get addresses of breeders at

Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face

The Kerry Blue Terrier is one of the medium sized, high legged terriers. The build is muscular with a strong skull. The nose-forehead stop is almost not visible. A chin beard typical of the breed gives the dog its characteristic appearance. The brown, medium sized eyes are lively and interested. The forward pointing ears are set close to the head. The thin tail is set high and carried erect. Docking of the tail is prohibited. The legs are well muscled, the hocks strong. Due to the well developed muscles, the gait is ground covering with good coordination of movements.

Appearance and Coat of the Kerry Blue Terrier

The dense coat is rough and wavy. The head is abundantly hairy with a typical whisker. During the typical shearing of the breed, the eyes are covered by longer hairs. The coat colour ranges from light silver-grey to all shades of blue. At birth the puppies have a black coat, which turns slightly brownish at 18 months. At the age of three years the change to steel blue is completed. Since the terrier has hardly any undercoat, it does not shed much. The coat must be clipped regularly.

How big does the Kerry Blue Terrier grow?

  • Male 45,5 to 49,5 cm
  • bitch 44,5 to 48 cm

How much does a Kerry Blue Terrier weigh?

  • Male 15 to 18 kg
  • bitch 14 to 17 kg

How old does a Kerry Blue Terrier live?

The life expectancy of the terrier is 13 to 15 years.

Fur length long
Fur curly
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail short
Anatomy square
Size ♀ 44 - 48 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 17 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 49 cm
Weight ♂ 15 - 18 kg
Suitable For -


Blue Blueblack blackgrey greyblack-silver black-silversilver silver
Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face
Kerry Blue Terrier puppy, blue dog with curls, blue dog breed, puppy from Ireland, Irish dog breed, dog from Ireland
Kerry Blue Terrier, black dog on meadow, dog with short tail, dog with curls, dog resembling Schnauzer, blue dog breed, Irish dog, dog from Ireland, dog breed with curled tail and lots of hair on face
  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

Other medium dogs

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