Karelian bear dog

Karelian bear dog Breed description: Character & Co

Karelian bear dog

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Awake Dominant Independent Energetic Friendly Loyal

The Karelian Bear Dog

It captivates above all by its black and white patterned fur and belongs with a size of 50-60 cm to the medium sized dogs - the Björnhund.


The dog breed originating from Karelia has existed for thousands of years, an area which is half in Russia and half in Finland. The Karelian Bear Dog is closely related to the Lapp and Elk Dogs, as well as the Laiki. It used to be used for guarding and protecting against wild and foreign animals on farms. It was also often used as a typical hunting dog. Nowadays the breed is mainly found in Russia and Finland. In Central Europe and therefore also in Germany the Karjalankarhukoira is hardly spread. In Germany, however, the breed is looked after by the "German Club for Nordic Dogs in the VDH", and there are also a few representatives of the breed to be found in animal shelters.

Banner: Shutterstock / Perinbaba
Karelian Bear Dog breed description, Finnish dog breed, dog from Finland, black and white dog with prick ears, dog similar to Husky, dog similar to Spitz, Spitz-like breed, hunting dog, independent dog breed, no beginner dog breed, Panda look in dog, Björnhund, Karjalankarhukoira, large dog Karelian Bear Dog breed description, Finnish dog breed, dog from Finland, black and white dog with prick ears, dog similar to Husky, dog similar to Spitz, Spitz-like breed, hunting dog, independent dog breed, no beginner dog breed, Panda look in dog, Björnhund, Karjalankarhukoira, large dog Karelian Bear Dog breed description, Finnish dog breed, dog from Finland, black and white dog with prick ears, dog similar to Husky, dog similar to Spitz, Spitz-like breed, hunting dog, independent dog breed, no beginner dog breed, Panda look in dog, Björnhund, Karjalankarhukoira, large dog Karelian Bear Dog puppy, Finnish dog breed, dog from Finland, black and white dog with prick ears, dog similar to Husky, dog similar to Spitz, Spitz-like breed, hunting dog, independent dog breed, no beginner dog breed, Panda look in dog, Björnhund, Karjalankarhukoira, large dog
Alternate Name Karjalankarhukoira, Björnhund
Origin Finland
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Nordic Hunting Dogs
AKC group Foundation Stock Service
KC group not recognised

Nature and character

Especially because of his friendliness, loyalty and love for his owner, the Björnhund is taken to his heart. Because of his pointed ears and his good nose, the dog quickly detects enemies and strangers and his distinct protective instinct comes to the fore. Despite his affectionate nature and gentle nature, the breed belongs only in experienced hands because of the hunting instinct.


  • awake
  • dominant
  • independent
  • energetic
  • friendly
  • loyal


  • Hunting Dog

Acquisition costs and conditions for the attitude of a Björnhund

Karelian bear dogs cost about 1000-2000 euros to purchase. With cheaper dogs from the breeder should be acted cautiously, since this speaks for the fact that there are possibly concealed, unspoken problems. In animal shelters dogs are usually available for a lower protection fee, as the dogs are often a bit older. But this does not necessarily mean something bad. On the contrary: often the dogs already know a lot and hope eagerly for a long-term home. It is therefore worthwhile to inform yourself in the shelter about the acquisition.Important in the attitude is to pay attention in any case to enough exercise. Karelian Bear Dogs are not comfortable dogs and need enough free running and space. It is a good idea to take long walks in the woods, for example, and it is helpful if you have a large garden.

Is the breed susceptible to certain diseases?

The breed is basically very robust and insensitive to diseases, but nevertheless it is important to provide good food and generally good living conditions and to pay attention to possible signs of disease. Preventive examinations are also important. The coat should also be brushed regularly to remove loose hairs. It should be noted that the Karelian Bear Dog is "made" for cold temperatures due to its origin and is sensitive to heat, so cooling should be provided in summer.

Karelian Bear Dog breed description, Finnish dog breed, dog from Finland, black and white dog with prick ears, dog similar to Husky, dog similar to Spitz, Spitz-like breed, hunting dog, independent dog breed, no beginner dog breed, Panda look in dog, Björnhund, Karjalankarhukoira, large dog

The Karjalankarhukoira weighs about 20-23 kg and has a height of 50-60 cm. Males are slightly larger and heavier than females. The life expectancy is of course individually dependent on husbandry, care and pre-existing conditions, but is about 12 years, with very good health and care even slightly higher.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail rolled up
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 20 - 21 cm
Weight ♀ 50 - 55 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 23 cm
Weight ♂ 50 - 60 kg
Suitable For -


black and white black and white

Other large dogs

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