Erdélyi Kopó

Erdélyi Kopó Breed description: Character & Co

Erdélyi Kopó

Life expectancy
10 - 14
Protective Friendly Loyal Brave

Origin and history of the Erdélyi Kopó

When you read the epithet "Transylvanian Hound", you probably immediately think of a bloodthirsty companion of Count Dracula. But the story of this dog is not quite so sinister.

The Erdélyi Kopó or "Hungarian Bracke" is quite simply an ancient type of hunting dog from Transylvania, also known as Transylvania. There are not only creepy counts, but until today also a lot of untouched, wide and wild nature.

"Erdélyi" is Hungarian for "Transylvanian" and "Kopó" means "running dog".

The vastness of the Hungarian nature is the terrain of the Transylvanian Hound. There he used to go hunting with the noble nobles of Hungary and was widespread. Originally there was a high and a low type, the latter is now considered extinct.

The breed was not in good shape at the beginning of the 20th century. Thanks to some fancier breedings the dog type could be preserved and a new stable population could be bred. In our latitudes, however, this breed is rather rare until today.

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erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog
Alternate Name Transylvanian Hound, Hungarian Bracke
Origin Hungary
Life expectancy 10 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group Foundation Stock Service
KC group not recognised

Breed characteristics and typical character traits

Hungarian Bracken are alert, loyal, but also very independent hunting dogs. They hunt alone or in pairs even without their human or hunting guide.

Tracking and following game is the passion of this dog. If he has found a fresh track, he yelps briefly and makes a whining sound. Then he takes up the chase.

To this day, hunting is in the blood of these animals. If you are looking for a leisurely companion for a walk, you will clearly be overwhelmed with this dog's passion for hunting.

If you are an experienced handler or hunter, you will find this dog a great, courageous and alert companion.

  • excellent and independent hunting dog
  • has a pronounced hunting instinct and wants to work
  • as a comfortable buddy or family dog he is not suitable


  • protective
  • friendly
  • loyal
  • brave


  • Hunting Dog
erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog

Life expectancy and typical breed diseases

Due to its rarity, hardly any breed diseases have developed in this type of dog. The Hungarian Bracke is robust and original.

If well cared for and kept in a species-appropriate manner, this dog will live to be around 12 years old.

Acquisition and purchase of a Hungarian Bracke

This type of dog is very rare in our country. If you are interested in this breed, you have to keep in mind that Bracken and hunting dogs are very special.

You are a passionate hunter and you are looking for an absolute dog rarity? Wonderful, then the German Dog Breeders Association can help you to find a regional breeder. If you are not afraid to travel to Hungary to buy an original Hungarian Bracke, you can also contact the breeder Eszter Balogh.

If you want to buy a puppy, you have to expect prices around 1000 Euro.

erdelyi-kopo breed description, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog

The Erdélyi Kopó is a medium-sized and stately dog with a shoulder height of up to 65 cm. The weight is about 25 kg. The breed standard does not foresee any significant differences between females and males, although females usually remain slightly smaller.

The colour is always black with tan on the muzzle and legs. The build and coat are typical of a high-bred Bracke.

This beautiful hunting dog always carries his tail slightly bent upwards. If he is excited or has spotted a game, this dog can also raise the tail steeply upwards.

With large drooping and wrinkle-free ears and large brown eye, the Transylvanian Hound looks really adorable.

  • medium sized, athletic dog
  • coat always black with tan
  • attractive appearance and lovable appearance
Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 18 - 20 kg
Size ♂ 55 - 65 cm
Weight ♂ 20 - 25 kg
Suitable For -


black blackbrown brown
erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog
erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog
erdelyi-kopo, hungarian dog breed, dog from Hungary, big brown black dog similar to Doberman, Transylvanian dog

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