Greek shepherd dog

Greek shepherd dog Breed description: Character & Co

Greek shepherd dog

Life expectancy
8 - 12
Brave Quietly Confidently Fearless

The Ellenikos Poimenikos is the traditional shepherd dog of the Greek sheep breeders.

The origin of the Ellenikos Poimenikos

The Ellenikos Poimenikos or also Hellenikos Poimenikos (from "Hellas" for "Greece") probably developed from Molossians and large mountain dogs. Molossians are said to have accompanied the glorious general Alexander the Great on his numerous battles.

A breeding selection in the sense never existed. With the decline of agriculture, the Greek Shepherd Dog also increasingly disappeared. Some still brought it into the city, but since it was not specifically bred, these animals soon disappeared there again. When the need was very great after the Second World War, owners simply disposed of animals that had become superfluous.

Today, connoisseurs of the breed complain that breeding is taking place, but without a goal or system. Indiscriminately further animals would be crossed, what partly unusable up to difficult types of this dog lets develop.

The breed characteristics of the Greek Shepherd Dog

In the countryside it is still considered a cultural symbol of the sheep breeders and cattle herders. In the cities the sense for the attitude of such primitive and large dogs is not present at the moment. Thereby the Ellenikos Poimenikos is said to be quite suitable as a guard dog for larger houses and estates.

The Greek Kennel Club (KOE) has recognized the dog breed on a national level, the FCI has not yet.

  • primitive shepherd dog
  • goes back to Molosser and mountain dogs
  • no systematized breeding
  • not recognized by the FCI
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Ellenikós Poimenikós, Greek Shepherd Dog, tricolored dog breed, large dog breed from Greece Ellenikós Poimenikós, Greek Shepherd Dog, tricolored dog breed, large dog breed from Greece Ellenikós Poimenikós, Greek Shepherd Dog, tricolored dog breed, large dog breed from Greece Greek dog breed, Sheepdogs from Greece, Primitive dog breed, Infographic
Alternate Name Ellenikos Poimenikos
Origin Greece
Life expectancy 8 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits and nature of Ellenikos Poimenikos.

It is considered to be fearless and foolhardy. In the mountainous regions of Greece there are still wolves and bears. Traditionally it herded the sometimes wildly roaming flocks of sheep alone or together with a shepherd.

The nature of this nature boy is sometimes a bit rough. It knows his job very well and can only be led by humans to a limited extent. If you get it used to house and yard it becomes more trusting.

  1. daring and self-confident shepherd dog
  2. can have a somewhat gruff nature
  3. must be accustomed to a life in the house


  • brave
  • quietly
  • confidently
  • fearless


  • Herding Dog
  • Shepherd Dog
  • Sheepdog
Breed description of a Greek Sheepdog, Sheepdog, Herding Dog, Herding Dog from Greece, large dog breed, ancient breed, typical dog breed from Greece, medium length coat on dog, large dog breed with triangle ears

Breeding, acquisition and keeping of the Ellenikos Poimenikos

This dog is not bred in our latitudes. However, the international animal welfare regularly mediates dogs from Greece, including the Ellenikos Poimenikos.

If you are interested in this dog and would like to adopt a homeless "Greek", then consider carefully whether your available space is sufficient. An older animal might be happy with a job as a couch potato with access to a garden.

If you're looking to give a home to a younger Ellenikos Poimeniko, be sure to check his background. If he was already used to the house, it is certainly no problem to acclimate it to your home. As a rule, these animals are very grateful if they are regularly cared for again after the animal shelter and a life on the street.

Breed description of a Greek Sheepdog, Sheepdog, Herding Dog, Herding Dog from Greece, large dog breed, ancient breed, typical dog breed from Greece, medium length coat on dog, large dog breed with triangle ears

The whole dog is an imposing appearance, always wide awake and alert. He has clearly inherited the massive head from the Molossian. Whoever meets an Ellenikos Poimenikos at work will at first get a very critical to grim expression on its face.

The medium to long coat is slightly wavy to matted in its original condition. Regularly groomed it becomes finer and smoother. Base colour is white or cream. It occurs in pied and with markings. Secondary colours are black, brown or light brown.

  • stately stature and powerful build
  • medium to long coat
  • one, two or three-coloured in white, black and brown

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Greek Shepherd Dog

There are no breed standards for this dog. The shoulder height is between about 65 to 75 cm. The weight is estimated at 50 to 60 kg.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy rugged, massive, hefty
Size ♀ 65 - 75 cm
Weight ♀ 50 - 60 kg
Size ♂ 65 - 75 cm
Weight ♂ 50 - 60 kg
Suitable For -


tricolour tricolourblack grey black greybrown-white brown-white
Ellenikós Poimenikós, Greek Shepherd Dog, tricolored dog breed, large dog breed from Greece
Greek dog breed, Sheepdogs from Greece, Primitive dog breed, Infographic
Breed description of a Greek Sheepdog, Sheepdog, Herding Dog, Herding Dog from Greece, large dog breed, ancient breed, typical dog breed from Greece, medium length coat on dog, large dog breed with triangle ears

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