Hybrid Breed

Maltese + Poodle


Life expectancy
12 - 15
Responsive Awake Protective Active Educable Family-friendly Sociable Playful Trusting

Origin and breed history of the Maltipoo hybrid dog

The name and origin are usually closely related. Breeding of this four-legged friend began in the USA in the 1980s. At that time, miniature poodles and Maltese were crossed with the aim of combining the docility and robustness of a poodle with the character of a Maltese. It is considered a so-called hybrid dog, the popularity of which is constantly increasing in Germany. Although the FCI still does not recognise designer dogs, the United States Kennel Club has recognised them as an independent dog breed in 1995.

Special breed characteristics of the Maltipoo

Both poodles and Maltese are considered non-shedding types of breeds. The Maltipoo resulting from the mating of both of these breeds therefore has the same assets. There is no seasonal change of fur, and this doggy is considered an ideal dog for people suffering from allergies. But be careful! Hypoallergenic dogs also lose dander and saliva, which can cause certain reactions for allergy sufferers. It is therefore important that those affected to have themselves tested before buying a Maltipoo puppy. Allergy sufferers often react to dandruff and saliva residues of the animal. You can find more information here: www.animals-digital.de/hunde/hunderassen/hunde-fuer-allergiker/

Banner: Shutterstock / Elena Bennett
Alternate Name Maltepoo
Origin Malta - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level low - high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Typical characteristics

The Maltipoo is an intelligent and ready-to-learn animal who always seeks the approval of their owner. These characteristics prove to be particularly advantageous in educating them and during training. The little darling would would happily try to impress you with each dog command learned several times in repetition.

The Maltipoo is an ideal family addition. However, they choose a reference person within their "pack" who acts as a pack leader for them. Children are their absolute highlight, because there is always some fun activity to do with them. When romping around, retrieving sticks or during various search and catch games, it can really knacker itself out. However, it also senses that the little ones are at the bottom of the dog hierarchy chain and in need of protection. It therefore instinctively tries to protect them and behaves gently and considerately. Nevertheless, this little friend is also a sensitive and vulnerable being. Therefore, the children should be older than five years and old enough to understand the dog. As parents, you have to take special care to ensure that the little runabout is left in peace when sleeping and eating.

The four-legged friend has a healthy suspicion and watches strangers from a safe distance. The little watchdog often reports unknown intruders before the doorbell rings.


  • responsive
  • awake
  • protective
  • active
  • educable
  • family-friendly
  • sociable
  • playful
  • trusting


  • Companion Dog
  • Family Dog

Breed-specific diseases

Because of their pedigree, the four-legged friends are considered an extremely robust breed. We generally owe this fact to the breeders, who seected the respective parent animals responsibly. As a result, there are no inherited diseases.

As with all dog breeds, however, problems with the patella (patella luxation) can occur. The kneecap moves and the articulation mechanism of the joint is inhibited, which causes this little guy a lot of pain. Therefore, please contact a veterinarian as soon as possible! The progression of joint problems can only be avoided through their specialist competence.

The coat is another risk factor. Because the dog breed does not undergo a change of fur, care must not be neglected. A minimal shortening of the hair around the eyes prevents eye infections. In addition, dirty and matted fur can quickly lead to further skin irritation. That is why it is important to groom and comb this little guy every day. If kept appropriately, a Maltipoo can reach an age of twelve to fifteen years.

What should be considered when breeding Maltipoos?

For breeding Maltipoos there are initially different variants of the mating:

Maltipoo Maltese
Maltese poodle
Maltipoo Maltipoo
Maltipoo poodle

However, before the actual Maltipoo breeding can take place, important breeding guidelines must be met. On the one hand, this concerns provisions regarding health, nature and inheritance, and on the other hand, a strict requirement to comply with animal welfare. Only when these things have been clarified will the male or female be approved for breeding.

Puppy buying tips!

  • If you want to buy a Maltipoo, take a look at the breeder directly.
  • In addition, inquire with other owners where they bought their Maltipoo puppy.
  • If there is still uncertainty, ask a veterinarian. They will have sufficient experience. At the same time, in addition to advice, they can also recommend responsible breeders from whom you can buy a Maltipoo.
  • Very important! Get your four-legged friend's vaccination certificate when you buy it. This should already contain proof of basic immunisation by a specialist doctor.

Buying a Maltipoo: The price of a Malitpoo puppy is not exactly low due to the crossing with the poodle - and therefore the reputation of being a "hypoallergenic dog". A Maltipoo can cost up to 1500 or even 2000 euros. But they are also available from 700 euros upwards. Pay attention to the breeding conditions and the breeder.

Maltipoo breed description

The Maltipoo's fur is soft, sometimes wavy or slightly curly. The colour scheme can differ and varies from silver, gray and black to apricot and piebald. Maltese have white hair. Therefore only the parental poodle breed determines the coat colour of a Maltipoo puppy. However, the most common colours are cream, white and silver.

The little run-about has a rounded head with drooping ears. Their expressive, dark eyes can pose a high risk though. A look at his facial expressions often leads to unexpected actions, since this intelligent four-legged friend often uses his cute googly eyes to get their owner to fulfill their wishes.

The stretched neck forms a harmonious line to their back. It usually carries his medium-length and curved tail swinging over its back.

Height and weight

With a size of 25 to about 30 centimeters, the four-legged friends are among the smaller dog breeds. The weight of the minis tends to be between three and five kilograms.

Fur length medium
Fur wavy - curly
Ear shape Triangle - Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 5 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 5 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Children, Seniors


white whitebrown browngrey greycream creamlight brown light brownblack black
  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • Joint damage

    In some breeds, joint damage can occur later in life, affecting the musculoskeletal system.

  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • This is mainly due to their upbringing. In principle, they are alert and therefore also barking - however, with training, this can also be trained away.

  • A Maltipoo is a small to medium sized dog breed and has curls.

  • A Maltipoo puppy costs about 2000-3000 Euro. It is a specially bred hybrid breed of Maltese and Poodle.

  • An average of 1-2 hours a day of walking and running outdoors is enough for this small breed of dog. At home, however, you should do mental work to keep the dog mentally busy.

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