Smooth Fox Terrier

Smooth Fox Terrier Breed description: Character & Co

Smooth Fox Terrier

Life expectancy
12 - 15
Active Affectionate Intelligent Concentrated Mischievous Fearless Playful Vigilant

What is the origin of smooth fox terrier?

In England, his homeland, he was carried on pack hunts. The hunting dog is a favorite of hunters for ground hunting, because it is an uncompromising blaster for predatory game, but also equally suitable for large game.

The first fox terriers were presented at English dog shows in the 19th century. At that time, there were almost only white dogs and the smooth-coated variety enjoyed great popularity. Because he is not only a versatile hunting dog, but also very sociable and compatible, the dog quickly became a fashion and show dog. Unfortunately, the smooth-coated variety was pushed more and more into the background and even today there are almost twice as many wire-haired Fox Terriers than smooth-haired Fox Terriers.

Although the two varieties differ only in the texture of their coats, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, or FCI, lists them as two separate dog breeds.

What are the breed characteristics of Smooth Fox Terrier?

Typical of the hunting dog are the strong bone structure and the equally strong jaw with the strongly pronounced dentition. The dog's small ears are folded in a V-shape. Characteristic for the lovable charmer on four paws is the smooth, dense, close-fitting coat.

Banner: Shutterstock / Tatyana Vyc
Smooth Fox Terrier, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolour Smooth Fox Terrier, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolour Smooth Fox Terrier, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolour Smooth Fox Terrier three, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, three-coloured
Alternate Name -
Origin UK
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Large and medium sized Terriers
AKC group Terrier Group
KC group Terrier Group

Smooth Fox Terrier mixes


What are the typical characteristics of the dog?

If you are the proud owner of a smooth-haired fox terrier, then you know that it is a very active, but also sensitive hunting dog. This lively dog is a quick learner. Since he is very curious, he likes to explore his surroundings independently. All the more important is a loving but consistent education, which, however, must never be done via punishment.

Further character traits are:

  • very affectionate
  • child-friendly
  • good watchdog
  • obedient

Due to his temperament, this active dog likes to have a garden. However, you can also keep your dog indoors if he gets a run several times a day. Not only in hunting, but also in dog sports, the smooth-haired Fox Terrier is a true all-rounder. They are agile and have fun with almost all kinds of dog sports. Agility, Canicross, Flyball, Mobility or Obedience are possible activities in which the docile dog can really let off steam.

The affectionate four-legged friend occasionally causes damage if left alone for too long. He is not a beginner dog, but belongs in the hands of experienced dog owners.


  • active
  • affectionate
  • intelligent
  • concentrated
  • mischievous
  • fearless
  • playful
  • vigilant


  • Watchdog
  • Family Dog
Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolor

What are typical diseases of smooth fox terriers?

If you choose a smooth fox terrier, you will get a robust dog, provided it comes from a responsible breeding. In rare cases the smooth Fox Terrier suffers from eye diseases. Diseases such as ataxia and myelopathy, which not only affect large breeds of dogs, do occur, but fortunately are rare.

What to consider when breeding?

If you decide to get a purebred puppy, you should only buy your new housemate from a reputable breeder. Good breeders can be recognised by the fact that the parents have been tested for hereditary diseases before breeding. If a breeder offers you a puppy that is younger than ten weeks old, you should refrain from buying it. The purchase price for a healthy puppy is between 800 and 1500 Euros. The price difference depends on the breeding value of the parents and also on the sporting ability of the animal.

Smooth Fox Terrier breed description, medium sized dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolor

This spirited dog is very strong for its body weight. His physique is absolutely balanced. He has a strong scissor bite. The coat is white with black markings, black-light brown or light brown.

What is the size of the Smooth Fox Terrier?

With a maximum shoulder height of 40 centimeters, the dog belongs to the smaller dog breeds.

How much does the dog weigh?

The smooth-haired fox terrier weighs around eight kilograms when fed a good and healthy diet.

How old does the Smooth Fox Terrier live?

The dog breed has an average life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 33 - 38 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 30 - 40 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 10 kg
Suitable For Children


tricolour tricolour
Smooth Fox Terrier, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolour
Smooth Fox Terrier three, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, three-coloured
Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, medium dog with long muzzle, dog with tipped ears, family dog, guard dog, hunting dog, active dog breed for families, sporty dog from Great Britain, English dog breed with smooth coat, tricolor
  • Ataxia

    Ataxia (from Greek ἀταξία ataxia 'disorder' 'irregularity') is a generic term in medicine for various disorders of movement coordination. Ataxia can occur even when there is no paralysis (paresis), that is, when there is normal muscle strength.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Myelopathy

    Degenerative myelopathies of dogs are a series of slowly progressing neurological diseases associated with destruction of the spinal cord. These diseases are associated with slowly progressive movement disorders of the hindquarters.

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