Fawn Brittany Griffon

Fawn Brittany Griffon Breed description: Character & Co

Fawn Brittany Griffon

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Friendly Kind Affable Trusting

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne is a very rare running dog from the north of France.

The origin of the Fawn Brittany Griffon

Running dogs were traditionally used to hunt game over long distances. Normally, running dogs rush together with conspecifics in a pack. The French King Charles IX is said to have established the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne for wolf hunting around 1570.

It is ironic that the Fawn Brittany Griffon almost disappeared from the scene with the wolves. By the early 20th century, there were only a few left. A fancier of the breed named Marcel Pambrun founded the Club de Fauve de Bretagne (http://www.clubdufauvedebretagne.fr/adhesion.html) in 1949. This association still takes care of the preservation of the animals and formulates the standards.

The breed characteristics of the Fawn Brittany Griffon

In France, these primitive dogs are still quite numerous as hunting, family or farm dogs. "Fauve" means light yellow or deer colored. The coat has remained his trademark and the standard only provides for animals in shades between yellow and reddish brown.

This type of dog is a hunting and working dog through and through. Besides the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne, at least six other, regionally different, Griffon types existed.

The Fawn Brittany Griffon is recognized by the FCI as an independent breed. It is listed under Standard 66, Group 6, Section 1/1.2 Medium-sized Hounds.

  • Hunting and running dog from Brittany
  • has great passion for hunting and should "work
  • with us only rarely
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Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog, hunting dog breeds from all over Europe, dog breeds infographic, What hunting dogs are there? Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog
Alternate Name -
Origin France
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group not recognised
KC group Hound Group

Character traits and nature of the Fawn Brittany Griffon

A Fawn Brittany Griffon is uncomplicated and is considered easy to train. However, connoisseurs of the breed advise against keeping him as a pure family dog. It wants to run for hours and chase something. If it cannot give in to this urge, he tends to run away. This hunting-loving dog can be well controlled by a professional.

In the house he is trusting and uncomplicated. It is considered to be extremely fond of children and people-friendly. It is said that this dog would hardly bark.

  • to be led by people with dog experience
  • good and uncomplicated hunting dog
  • runs for hours


  • friendly
  • kind
  • affable
  • trusting


  • Working Dog
  • Hunting Dog
  • Family Dog
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog

Breeding, acquisition and keeping of the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

There are currently no breeders of this breed in German-speaking countries.

If you are interested in this dog, please keep in mind that it should be kept as a hunting dog. If this is your passion, you can find contacts at the Club de Fauve de Bretagne already mentioned or at the French dog breeding association "Société Centrale Canine".

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog

The breed standard defines the hair growth as "very rough, hard, rather short, never woolly or curly". Typical are the already mentioned colors between light brown, yellow and fawn. The conformation is solid, with strong bones and good muscling. The lines are clear and harmonious. Its ears are strikingly large, long and hang down loosely at the side. The face is always somewhat bearded. The back ends gently in a curved tail.

  • rough and persistent coat
  • only in "Fauve" colours
  • beautiful, strongly built and solid dog

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

This dog belongs to the medium sized hunting dogs and reaches a height at withers of 48 to 56 cm. The standard allows deviations of 2 cm.

Measured by its stable appearance this hound is a lightweight with 18 to 22 kg.

The life expectancy should be about 12 years.

Fur length short
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty
Size ♀ 48 - 56 cm
Weight ♀ 18 - 22 kg
Size ♂ 48 - 56 cm
Weight ♂ 18 - 22 kg
Suitable For Children


sesame sesamered red
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog, hunting dog breeds from all over Europe, dog breeds infographic, What hunting dogs are there?
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne dog breed, French dog breed, dog from France, rough coat, wire hair, hunting dog, family dog, red dog young dog

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