Bullypit:American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Bulldog + American Pit Bull Terrier


American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mix - a hybrid breed.

This mixed breed is a strong and loyal dog that is perfect for families. They are great with children and love to play. They are also very protective of their families and will do anything to protect them.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The American Bulldog American Pit Bull Terrier mix breed has a muscular body with a strong, large head. They are medium to large in size, with males weighing up to 30 kg and females up to 25 kg. Their chest is deep and their shoulders are broad. They have a short, dense coat that is usually white with black or brown markings. Their tail is long and thick, and they have short, erect ears. Their average height is 50 cm.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mix - Such is probably his nature.

The American Bulldog is a strong, athletic dog breed known for its courage and determination. Bulldogs were originally bred in England in the 1500s for the sport of bull biting, where the dogs would attack a bull and hold it by the nose. This cruel sport was eventually banned, but the bulldog's reputation as a fierce and courageous breed had already been established. In the 1800s, bulldogs were brought to the United States, where they were used as working dogs on farms and plantations. Thanks to their gentle nature and loyalty, they quickly became popular as family dogs as well.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is also a bold and determined breed that has a long history as a working dog. Originally, Pit Bulls were bred in England in the 1800s for the sport of rat baiting, in which dogs were put in a pit with dozens of rats and told to fight them. This cruel sport was eventually banned, but like bull dogs, pit bulls already had a reputation as fierce and courageous dogs. In the early 1900s, pit bulls were brought to the United States and used as working dogs on farms and plantations. Thanks to their loyalty and affection, they were also popular as pets.

Today, both the American Bulldog and the American Pit Bull Terrier are very popular in the United States. Both breeds make excellent family dogs and are known for their loyalty, courage and determination.


  • dominant
  • assertive
  • energetic
  • friendly
  • loyal
  • confidently
  • affectionate
  • obedient
  • intelligent
  • Irritable
  • stubborn
  • brave


  • Companion Dog
  • Wild Boar Hunting dog
  • Watchdog
  • Family Dog
american flag american flag

What diseases can occur in American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mix.

The American Bulldog-Pit Bull Terrier mix is a medium to large dog with a short coat. The head is large and blocky with a square muzzle. The eyes are round and the ears are small and erect. The body is well muscled with a thick neck and deep chest. The tail is thick and tapered and is usually docked. The coat is short and can be any color or combination of colors.

This mix is a very active dog that needs a lot of exercise. He is friendly and loving with his family, but can be aggressive towards other dogs. He is not a good choice for a home with small children. He is intelligent and teachable, but can be stubborn. This mix will do best in a home with an experienced dog owner.

Some of the health issues that can affect this mix are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, luxating patella, demodictic mange, allergies and heart disease.

This dog typically has a short, thick coat that is brown, black or brindle. The American Bulldog Pit Bull Terrier mix is a muscular and stocky dog with a broad head and a short, square muzzle. This dog's ears are often still docked - but thankfully are not currently, and its tail is normal length and tapered. Docking is now also banned in many countries.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, strong, muscular, square
Size ♀ 43 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 41 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 71 cm
Weight ♂ 16 - 58 kg
Suitable For -
  • An American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mix is usually an intelligent, friendly and obedient dog. They usually get along well with children and other pets and make great family dogs.

  • A mix of American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier needs moderate exercise. A daily walk or jog will suffice, although they may need more if they are particularly active.

  • Common health problems of American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mixes include hip and elbow dysplasia, heart problems and allergies.

  • The average life expectancy of an American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mix is 12-14 years.

  • Yes, American Bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier mixes are good guard dogs. They are naturally protective of their families and are very territorial.

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