
Laekenois Breed description: Character & Co


Life expectancy
12 - 15
Affectionate Awake Protective Intelligent Loyal Vigilant

Laekenois is pronounced Läkenoa or Läken!

What is the origin of the Laekenois?

The Laekenois belongs with Tervueren, Groenendael and Malinois to the Belgian Sheepdogs and is the only rough-coated variety. It was named after the town and castle of the same name, Laeken, in Belgium, on whose land it was originally used as a herding dog. Unlike the other three varieties, the Laekenois is rather unknown, although he is in no way inferior to them.

What are the breed characteristics of the Laekenois?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale, FCI for short, lists the Laekenois together with the other three varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog under standard number 15 and here sets the external characteristics, character and temperament - the so-called breed standard to which Laekenois breeders are guided.

Banner: Shutterstock / Cynoclub
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Tervuren,Carnivore,Belgian shepherd,Kunming wolfdog,Belgian shepherd malinois, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Tervuren,Working dog,Belgian shepherd,Rare breed (dog), Laekenois, portrait, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog Laekenois, portrait, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog
Alternate Name Belgian shepherd dog
Origin Belgium
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Sheepdogs
AKC group Herding Group
KC group Pastoral Group

What are the typical traits of the wire haired Belgian Shepherd?

The Belgian Sheepdog with the rough-coated coat is especially known for the following character traits:

  • intelligent
  • lively
  • persevering
  • alert
  • protective
  • affectionate

Attitude of the Laekenois

Just like the other varieties of the Belgian Shepherd, the Laekenois is very active and wants to be exercised and kept busy. However, when it is physically and mentally exercised, it also makes a good family dog, usually getting along well with children.

The Laekenois' coarse coat requires professional trimming several times a year, which involves plucking out the dead undercoat.

Use of the Belgian

Originally, the dog was used as a herding and sheepdog. As an owner, you have to replace this demanding task with other physical and mental activities so that your Laekenois does not get bored. Thus, common sports, tournament dog sports or training as a working or service dog is a good way to do justice to the Belgian Shepherd.


  • affectionate
  • awake
  • protective
  • intelligent
  • loyal
  • vigilant


  • Watchdog
  • Working Dog
  • Hunting Dog
  • Family Dog
  • Police Dog
  • Sheepdog
Laekenois, portrait, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog, dog lying on a green meadow Laekenois, Tervueren, Groendael and Belgian Shepherd Dog, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian Shepherd Dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog, all four variations of shepherd dog Laekenois with puppy, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog

What are typical diseases of the Laekenois?

Typical diseases are not known in the Laekenois. Also hip dysplasia does not occur more frequently than in other large or medium-sized breeds.

Laekenois breeding - where, how, what?

If you want to buy a Laekenois, you are well advised to buy a dog from a registered breeder, because here health and a balanced nature of the dogs are the first priority. These Laekenois puppies are also already well socialized when they move in with you.

As the Laekenois is rather unknown and in the shadow of the other varieties, especially the Malinois, Laekenois breeders are also rather rare. However, the DKB - Deutscher Klub für Belgische Schäferhunde e.V. im VDH (German Club for belgian Shepherds)- has created a list where you can find several contacts if you are interested in a Laekenois puppy.

Special features of the Laekenois

Even if the Laekenois is not very common in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, there are some Laekenois in need, who are looking for a new home. So if you want to buy a Laekenois and maybe you can do without a pedigree or papers, this would be an alternative to a Laekenois from a breeder.

Laekenois, portrait, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog, all four variations of shepherd dog

The Laekenois is the only variety with a rough coat that can be easily distinguished from the others. With it only the fawn colour with a weak, black cloud is desirable. This means that mainly on the muzzle and tail the tips of the hairs are slightly black. White markings may also appear on the forechest and on the toes.

How tall is the dog from Belgium?

With an average height of 62 cm for males and 58 cm for females, the Laekenois belongs to the medium-sized or large dogs. The breed standard allows deviations of 4 cm upwards and 2 cm downwards from these desired sizes.

How much does the animal weigh?

A Laekenois male ideally weighs between 25 kg and 30 kg. Bitches are slightly lighter at 20 kg to 25 kg.

How old will the dog be?

With 12 to 15 years the life expectancy of a Laekenois is in the upper range.

Fur length medium
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged, sporty
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 20 - 25 kg
Size ♂ 58 - 62 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 30 kg
Suitable For -


Reddish-brown Reddish-brownfawn fawnFalb with black mask Falb with black maskred redsandy sandy
Laekenois, portrait, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog, dog lying on a green meadow
Laekenois, Tervueren, Groendael and Belgian Shepherd Dog, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian Shepherd Dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog, all four variations of shepherd dog
Laekenois with puppy, dog breed from Belgium, Belgian shepherd dog, wire haired dog, shepherd dog with rough coat, large dog breed, prick ears in dog
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

Other large dogs

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