Presa Canario

Presa Canario Breed description: Character & Co

Presa Canario

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Attentive Good-natured Quietly Confidently Vigilant

Known as "El perro de presa canario" it is one of the official nature symbols of the Canary Islands. There, the Dogo Canario is rather rare. Regionally, it is classified as a fighting dog.

The origin of the Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario's history is said go back directly to the original Molossians of the ancient world. Supporters of the breed claim that only in the Canary Islands the original type of these big old dogs has been preserved. Others claim that the Dogo Canario has been crossed with Nordic Mastiffs and other Molossians over the centuries.

In the past, the dog, also known as "Presa Canario", was found almost everywhere on the islands as a watchdog. To own a Presa Canario is still considered a special status symbol today. In Spanish, this proud dog carries further names like "Perro de Presa", "Perro de Toro" or "Alano".

The breed characteristics of the Dogo Canario

They certainly make an impression! Coming at you with their cropped ears, they can look quite frightening. You best not mess with a Dogo Canario. Exactly for this reason, this dog is sacred to the inhabitants of the Canary Islands.

Lovers of the strong types have brought the Dogo Canario to the mainland and as far as Germany along time ago. Around here, they are still rare, but have made a name for themselves as guard and family dogs.

Brought up right, the gentle giants are your best friend, cuddly and affectionate. The FCI has kept the breed semi-official for several years and finally fully recognised it in 2011.

  • is an official nature symbol of the Canary Islands
  • is considered one of the most primitive Molossians
  • FCI Standard No. 346, Group 2, Section 2: Molossoids and 2.1 Mastiff
Banner: Shutterstock / Jne Valokuvaus
Dog,Vertebrate,Mammal,Canidae,Dog breed,Puppy,Carnivore,Snout,Border terrier,Fawn, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Molosser,Bullmastiff,Snout,Puppy, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Boerboel,Snout,Fawn,English mastiff, Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Boerboel,Perro de presa mallorquin,Grass,Snout,
Alternate Name Canary Mastiff
Origin Spain
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Molossian type
AKC group Foundation Stock Service
KC group not recognised

The typical character traits of the Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario's temperament is balanced and adaptable. With this dog, perhaps more than any other, your way of keeping and training make the dog! On the Canary Islands, they are often found as lazy guard dogs just lying around. If you train them to enjoy movement and joint activities, they can be really sporty.

They are friendly towards people, but have a strong protective instinct. It is best to find a playgroup to go to with your Dogo Canario puppy early on. There it will be able to meet many other dogs and people. This way you end up with a dog that is fearless and friendly towards new things. When left alone to be just by themselves they can become grumpy and distrustful.

If you have a large farm, a horse ranch or simply a large plot of land, you can offer this dog what he wants most. Being outside, in the fresh air and protecting something! The Dogo Canario can easily be taken in a car for taking them on trips. But they also like to stay at home and will wait patiently for you to come back.

  1. adaptable character
  2. should be socialised early and appropriately
  3. needs communication and interaction
  4. well suited for living on large plots of land or farms


  • attentive
  • good-natured
  • quietly
  • confidently
  • vigilant


  • Watchdog

Breed typical diseases of the Dogo Canario

There are no common diseases known.

Acquisition, breeding and keeping of the Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario is occasionally confused with the "Alano Espanol". The latter is still listed as a fighting dog on some breed lists in Germany. Although the Dogo Canario is sometimes also called "Alano", they are different breeds.

If you would like to buy a Dogo Canario, you should inform yourself at your Bürgeramt in Germany. The last state of affairs was that the Dogo Canario is mostly no longer listed. Since the regulations are made by the counties and federal states themselves, you must inform yourself in each individual case. In some places the authorities go by the size of the dog and not by the breed!

The Dogo Canario is not listed on the Austrian breed lists.

In Switzerland, keeping this dog in the cantons of Freiburg, Schaffhausen and Thurgau requires a permit. In the canton of Geneva, import, keeping and breeding are prohibited.

If you want to have such a dog, you can find Dogo Canario puppies at selected breeders. You have to expect a price that starts at 1000 Euros. If an older dog is also suitable for you, you might find one at the animal protection.

  • can be on the "list" depending on the region
  • not to be confused with the Alano Espagnol
  • puppies are available at the breeders starting at a price of 1000 Euros
  • loyal older Dogo Canario are waiting to be adopted at the animal protection
Canary Dog, Dogo Canario dog

Docking is fortunately forbidden over here. Therefore, we get to see the dog in its whole beauty. With their big rose ears, which he can move around, the dog make a very friendly impression. Their big head, their usually warm dark brown colour and big faithful-looking eyes continue to draw a lovely picture.

Depending on the breeding line and age, the body is muscular to bulky, round and yet elegant. A powerful creature! The legs can be long and slender like in Mastiffs. Smaller representatives of the breed are built more close to the ground and have a slight curvature in the legs. The coat is always short and dark brown, black or brindle. Grey and cream coloured breeds also occur.

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Dogo Canario

They put quite some weight on the scale! A full-grown male dog can weigh up to 60 kg - and more if overweight! You should absolutely avoid excess weight with this dog. If the Dogo Canario is overweight, their joints suffer.

With a shoulder height of up to 65 cm, the Dogo Canario is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. Despite its size, this very original dog reaches an age of up to 14 years.

  • Shoulder height males 60 to 65 cm
  • Shoulder height bitches 56 to 61 cm
  • Weight males 50 to 59 kg
  • Weight bitches 38 to 50 kg
  • Life expectancy up to 14 years
Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, rugged, massive, strong
Size ♀ 56 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 38 - 50 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 65 cm
Weight ♂ 50 - 59 kg
Suitable For -


red redblack blackbrindle brindlefawn fawnFalb with black mask Falb with black mask

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