Italian Pointing Dog

Italian Pointing Dog Breed description: Character & Co

Italian Pointing Dog

Life expectancy
12 - 14
Affectionate Educable Companionable Loyal Stubborn Playful

What is the origin of the Bracco Italiano?

The Bracco Italiano is a very old breed from Italy and is therefore also called the Italian pointing dog. It was used for bird hunting several centuries ago and its working behaviour has been adapted to the hunting method ever since.

What are the breed characteristics of the Italian Pointing Dog?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale, FCI for short, defines the breed standard of the Italian Pointing Dog under standard no. 202. The breed is classified in group 7 of the pointing dogs.

Banner: Shutterstock / Seregraff
Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Bracco italiano,Carnivore,Sporting Group,Schweizer laufhund,Snout, very young puppy still white, red white dog breed as puppy still completely white, Bracco Italiano, Italian Pointer, Pointer from Italy, Italian dog breed, hunting dog breed puppy Bracco Italiano, Italian dog breed, Italian pointing dog, hunting dog breed with long floppy ears, brown white dog breed, red dog Photo of an italian pointer dog, pointing dog, hunting dog from Italy, italian dog breed for hunting, red white dog breed with long floppy ears
Alternate Name -
Origin Italy
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Continental Pointing Dogs
AKC group Miscellaneous Group
KC group not recognised

What are the typical character traits and disposition of the Bracco Italiano?

The Bracco Italiano is a typical hunting dog: robust, reliable, intelligent and capable of learning. It is very sensitive and inwardly quite calm, but can also be very sensitive and stubborn, which you must take into account when training it.

Attitude of the Bracco Italiano

The sensitive Italian Pointing Dog does not tolerate a hard hand, but must be trained lovingly but consistently. However, it is very willing to learn and intelligent and can be trained well as a hunting dog.

The smooth coat is relatively easy to care for and requires no special grooming.

Use of the Italian Pointing Dog

The Bracco Italiano was and is used as a hunting dog, especially as a pointing dog. It does not hunt the game itself, but only tracks the game and indicates it to the hunter by the so-called pointing, the persistence in a position. Bracci Italiani are also very good swimmers and retrievers.

Due to this disposition, the breed belongs best in hunter's hands. As a pure family dog a Bracco Italiano is rather not suitable, even if it gets along well with children.


  • affectionate
  • educable
  • companionable
  • loyal
  • stubborn
  • playful


  • Hunting Dog
Italian Pointing Dog, Bracco italiano, Large Hunting Dog from Italy, Italian Dog Breed Pointing dog Bracco Italiano

What are typical diseases of the Bracco Italiano?

A Bracco Italiano is a relatively robust dog that does not suffer from any diseases typical of the breed.

Bracco Italiano breeding - where, how, what?

If you want to buy a Bracco Italiano, you should get information from a reputable and registered breeder. Here it is important that your Bracco Italiano puppy comes from healthy parents and is already well socialized before it moves into your home.

The Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen (VDH) e. V. (German Kennel Club) has compiled a list of several Bracco Italiano breeders that you can contact if you would like to buy a puppy.

Special features of the Italian Pointing Dog

The Bracco Italiano does not belong to the so-called list dogs or fighting dogs and can therefore be kept without any restrictions or special requirements.

If you want to buy a Italian Pointing Dog and age and pedigree of the dog are not so important for you, then search the Internet for Italian Pointing Dog in need. There are several websites that place purebred Bracci Italiani that are especially grateful for a good new home. This is a nice alternative to getting a Italian Pointing Dog puppy from a breeder.

Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Bracco italiano,Carnivore,Sporting Group,Vizsla,Pointing breed,

The Bracco Italiano does not have a massive, but rather harmonious build, which nevertheless appears powerful. Like most hunting dogs, it has drooping ears.

The coat of the Italian Pointing Dog is short, dense and shiny. The following colors are permitted according to the breed standard:

  • white
  • white with orange or amber patches
  • white with maroon patches
  • white-pale orange speckled (melato)
  • white-mottled maroon (brown-mold)

With all colours a symmetrical mask is preferred, but also the absence of a mask is tolerated.

How big is a Bracco Italiano?

With a height at the withers between 55 cm and 67 cm, the Italian Pointing Dog belongs to the large dogs. The preferred size for females is between 55 cm and 62 cm and for males between 58 cm and 67 cm.

How much does a Bracco Italiano weigh?

A Bracco Italiano weighs between 25 kg and 40 kg, depending on its size.

How old does an Italian Pointing Dog become?

A Bracco Italiano has an average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged, sporty
Size ♀ 55 - 67 cm
Weight ♀ 25 - 35 kg
Size ♂ 55 - 67 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 40 kg
Suitable For -


red redred-white red-whitewhite whitebrown brown
Photo of an italian pointer dog, pointing dog, hunting dog from Italy, italian dog breed for hunting, red white dog breed with long floppy ears
Italian Pointing Dog, Bracco italiano, Large Hunting Dog from Italy, Italian Dog Breed
Pointing dog Bracco Italiano

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