
Borador:Border Collie and Labrador Retriever Mix

Hybrid Breed

Border Collie + Labrador Retriever


Life expectancy
10 - 14
Intelligent Affectionate Loyal Faithfully Playful

The Borador - hybrid mixture

The Borador is a charming and willing to work hybrid between Border Collie and Labrador Retriever. This energetic companion on four paws is mainly suitable for people who are very active and spend a lot of time in nature.

The origin of the Borador

The Borador is an unrecognized dog breed. The lovable family dog, which gets along well with children, belongs to the so-called designer dogs. As with all new hybrid dog breeds, the origin is not precisely documented. However, it is assumed that the dog breed originated in the USA. Whereby there are also assumptions that the Borador originates from England.

The breed characteristics of the Borador

The crossbreeding results in a medium to large sized dog. No standards have yet been set for this relatively new breed of dog, which has been around for about fifteen to twenty years at most.

Those who choose a Borador puppy will get an intelligent, loyal companion, but they will also be buying a bit of a grab bag, depending on which parent is more established.

Banner: Shutterstock / KPStollery
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Alternate Name Border Collie Lab, Border Lab, Collie-Lab-Mix, Labrador-Collie-Mix
Origin UK
Life expectancy 10 - 14 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

The typical character traits of the Borador

Playful, lively and intelligent, the Borador often gets his way. However, he does this in an extremely charming and affectionate manner. The Labrador Mongrel is an eager-to-learn family dog. He is curious, but not aggressive. He is not suitable as a guard dog, although he is devoted to his owners and likes to take on the protective role. He is far too happy and trusting for a guard dog. Instead of chasing away uninvited guests, he will greet them with a stormy and wagging tail and give them a warm welcome.

The Borador is also known as

  • Border Collie Lab
  • Border Lab
  • Collie-Lab mix
  • Labrador-Collie mix and is a four-legged dog suitable for novice dog owners. Provided you are willing to invest a lot of time, because without sufficient activity, the dog will quickly become bored.


  • intelligent
  • affectionate
  • loyal
  • faithfully
  • playful


  • Family Dog
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Diseases typical for the breed

Frequently occurring diseases are:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Ear infections
  • Overweight

Breeding the Borador

As with all breedings, a Borador puppy should only be purchased from a reputable breeder. This ensures a healthy dog life and prevents possible diseases. It is important that both parents have good hip values and a healthy heart.

Border Collie Labrador Retriever mix breed description, mixed breed, mixed breed dog, mix dog, hybrid mix, border lab mix, labrador mix, black mixed breed, infographic, information for anyone who has a mixed breed collie and labrador. Lab mix, Labrador mix, black and white mix, mixed breed dog

The coat can be short to medium length. There are Borador with solid colored coats and dogs whose coats have several colors.

The coat colors vary between

  • brown
  • light brown
  • dark brown
  • white
  • black

Characteristic for this dog breed are the mostly short ears and the white blaze on the chest. The Borador has a well proportioned body with a strong back. Mostly his eyes are brown like those of the Border Collie, but there are also representatives with light eyes. His love for the water is no coincidence, almost all Borador have webbed feet and are excellent swimmers who pursue this pleasure with passion and endurance.

How big does the Borador grow?

The faithful companion grows to a height of approximately 50 to 57 centimetres. Whereby the actual size of the mongrel can never be predicted with certainty.

How much does the Borador weigh?

The average weight of the relatively new mixed breed is between 16 and 28 kilograms.

Life expectancy

The Borador has a life expectancy of around twelve years. This average is similar to the life expectancy of the Labrador Retriever.

Fur length medium - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy strong
Size ♀ 50 - 57 cm
Weight ♀ 16 - 28 kg
Size ♂ 50 - 57 cm
Weight ♂ 16 - 28 kg
Suitable For Children


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black border collie labrador mix in forest, borador full grown, labi mix, mixed breed dog with labrador and collie, borderlab, lab collie, collidor, labrador collie, labcollie, collie lab mix
black border collie labrador mix in forest, borador full grown, labi mix, mixed breed dog with labrador and collie, borderlab, lab collie, collidor, labrador collie, labcollie, collie lab mix
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

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