
Labradane:Great Dane and Labrador Retriever Mix

Hybrid Breed

Great Dane + Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retriever and Great Dane Mix - a hybrid breed.

The Labrador Retriever and Great Dane are a perfect blend of two amazing breeds that prove to be loyal and loving companions. With their playful nature and friendly disposition, these puppies will make any family complete.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The Labrador Retriever Great Dane mix has a muscular body with a broad chest. The average weight of this breed is 65 kg and the average height is 75 cm. This breed has a short, dense coat of medium to dark brown color. The coat may also have black or white markings. This breed is known for its loyalty, intelligence and gentle nature.

Banner: Hannah Augustin
Hund,Grün,Braque francais,Fleischfresser,Hunderasse,Fawn,Begleithund,Arbeitstier,Schnauze,Leber, Hund,Pflanze,Halsband,Fleischfresser,Arbeitstier,Kitz,Hundehalsband,Leber,Hunderasse,Hundezubehör, Pflanze,Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Gras,Halsband,Begleithund,Arbeitstier,Blume,Hundehalsband, Hund, Pflanze, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Arbeitstier, Gras, Begleithund, Grasland, Schnauze, Grasfamilie,
Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - UK
Life expectancy 8 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Labrador Retriever and Great Dane mix - So is probably his nature.

Many people are under the impression that Labrador and Great Dane are two very different types of dogs. But what happens when you mix the two breeds together? You get a mixed breed of Labrador Retriever and Great Dane! This article will look at the character and ownership of this unique mixed breed.

The Labrador Retriever and Great Dane mix is a large, energetic dog that loves to play. They are friendly and good with children, but their size can be intimidating to some people. They need plenty of exercise and room to romp, so a backyard is essential. They are also known to be protective of their family and home.

Their owners must be prepared to handle a lot of energy, as these dogs need daily walks or runs. They also need to be properly trained, as their size can be overwhelming if they are not well behaved.

Overall, the Labrador Retriever and Great Dane is a loving, loyal and fun-loving dog that makes a great addition to any family.


  • friendly
  • dedicated
  • affectionate
  • reserved
  • meek
  • confidently
  • agile
  • balanced
  • good-natured
  • intelligent
  • sociable
  • faithfully
  • affable
  • trusting


  • Watchdog
  • Companion Dog
  • Working Dog
  • Family Dog
  • Searchdog
  • Therapy Dog
  • Guide Dog
german flag Flag from Great Britain

What diseases can occur in Labrador Retriever and Great Dane mix.

Labrador Retriever Great Dane mix is a hybrid dog that is a mixture of Labrador Retriever and Great Dane. This mix is not very common, but it is very popular among those who are looking for a large, loyal and loving dog. This mix is a good choice for families with children because they are gentle and good natured. They are also a good choice for families with other pets as they get along well with other animals.

One of the most common health problems with this mix is hip and elbow dysplasia. This is a malformation of the hip or elbow joint. It can be painful and cause lameness. It is important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian if you suspect he may have this condition.

Another common health issue with this mix is bloat. Bloat occurs when the stomach twists and traps gas. This can be a very dangerous condition and can even be fatal.

Other health problems that have been observed with this mix include allergies, joint problems and cancer. As with any dog, it is important to take them to the vet regularly for checkups and to watch for signs of illness.

The Labrador-Retriever-Doggen mix is a wonderful dog that can bring a lot of joy to life.


The Labrador Retriever Great Dane mix is a large, muscular dog with a short, thick coat that is typically black, brown or yellow. The breed is also known for its thick, lush tail.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, strong, sporty, square, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 55 - 86 cm
Weight ♀ 25 - 59 kg
Size ♂ 57 - 81 cm
Weight ♂ 29 - 90 kg
Suitable For -
Hund, Pflanze, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Arbeitstier, Gras, Begleithund, Grasland, Schnauze, Grasfamilie,
  • dilated cardiomyopathy

    Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle in which it becomes enlarged (dilated) and shows poor contraction (poor pumping ability).

  • Joint problems

    Especially due to overweight, joint problems can occur in dogs.

  • Bone Cancer

    May occur with age.

  • Cancer

    May be common in older dogs.

  • Gastric torsion

    Gastric torsion is a disease in which the stomach rotates around its own longitudinal axis. The cause of the disease is not known.

  • Ataxia

    Ataxia (from Greek ἀταξία ataxia 'disorder' 'irregularity') is a generic term in medicine for various disorders of movement coordination. Ataxia can occur even when there is no paralysis (paresis), that is, when there is normal muscle strength.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Elbow dysplasia (ED)

    Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast growing dog breeds.

  • Joint damage

    In some breeds, joint damage can occur later in life, affecting the musculoskeletal system.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • A mix of Labrador Retriever and Great Dane is a cross between two of the most popular dog breeds in the world. The result is a large, friendly and loyal dog, which is perfect as a family dog.

  • Labrador Retrievers and Great Danes are both large breeds, so their offspring are usually quite large as well. Most of these dogs weigh between 65kg and 70kg as adults.

  • These dogs are generally very friendly and outgoing. They love people and other animals and are great family dogs.

  • These dogs need a lot of exercise. They should go for long walks or runs every day, and they will also enjoy playing fetch and other games.

  • The most common health problems in these dogs include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and bloat.

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