Austrian Pinscher

Austrian Pinscher Breed description: Character & Co

Austrian Pinscher

Life expectancy
10 - 13
Active Assertive Energetic Friendly Dedicated Concentrated Alive Playful

The Austrian Pinscher

It is an active leisure partner who can excel in several disciplines.

The original Land Pinscher was mainly found on farms as a guard dog until the 20th century. It was a robustly built, medium-sized dog.

Its alert, loyal nature and versatility made it the ideal farm dog.

Original tasks:

  • Helping with the cattle drive
  • Guarding house and yard
  • Keeping the stable clean from mice and small rodents
  • Early announcement of visitors by loud barking


No matter whether in sporting ventures, in boisterous games in the garden, as a guardian in the garden or as a companion dog in everyday life - the Austrian Pinscher is a great all-rounder!

Banner: Shutterstock / Hong_Phuc
brown white dog from Austria, Austrian Pinscher, medium sized dog up to the knee, family dog, Pinscher breed, dog fighting with another dog for a toy brown white dog from Austria, Austrian Pinscher, medium sized dog up to the knee, family dog, Pinscher breed brown white dog from Austria, Austrian Pinscher, medium sized dog up to the knee, family dog, Pinscher breed brown white dog from Austria, Austrian Pinscher, medium sized dog up to the knee, family dog, Pinscher breed, graphic of all dog breeds from Austria
Alternate Name -
Origin Austria
Life expectancy 10 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high
FCI group Molossian type
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised



  • attentive
  • affectionate
  • lively
  • faithful
  • playful
  • incorruptible
  • self-confident
  • friendly
  • careful
  • active
  • concentrated

Living together

Those of you who have a Pinscher at home surely know it: the four-legged alarm bell reports everyone and everything that approaches the property line! It is a very people-oriented and attentive dog who wants to watch out for you.

To its family it is a loving protector, to strangers it is wary and suspicious.

Its hunting instinct is mainly limited to smaller rodents around the house.

The lively four-legged dog is a self-confident companion who has been bred to make independent decisions within the scope of his duties. However, the Austrian Pinscher never means any harm and is devoted to its loved ones. And once you have won the favor of your pelt-nose, then it loves you with its whole dog heart!


  • active
  • assertive
  • energetic
  • friendly
  • dedicated
  • concentrated
  • alive
  • playful


  • Companion Dog
  • Family Dog

Health of the medium sized dog

The active and weather-resistant Austrian Pinscher does not exhibit any diseases typical of the breed. Feeding this breed is also uncomplicated, as these dogs usually have a robust and well-tolerated stomach.

The frugal family dog lives an average of 10 to 13 years.


  • Since 1921: first efforts to force a pure breeding of the Austrian Pinscher
  • 1928: through the efforts of the veterinarian and cynologist Emil Hauck, the Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher was recognized as an independent breed by the Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV) and the international umbrella organization Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) (FCI Group 2, Section 2.1, Standard No. 64).
  • In the 1970s: only one breeding male left, Diokles von Angern
  • beginning of the 1980s: new upswing in puppy breeding by the Mangold family
  • until 2003: crossbreeding of various breeders, also with dogs without papers, to extend the gene pool and to avoid inbreeding
  • since 2002: foundation of the association Klub für Österreichische Pinscher (KÖP), whose aim is to unite certain physical as well as character desirable qualities (official homepage)
brown white dog from Austria, Austrian Pinscher, medium sized dog up to the knee, family dog, Pinscher breed
  • Size: 42 to 50 cm (shoulder height)
  • Weight: 12 to 18 kilograms
  • Coat: dense, smooth, short to medium length
  • Colour: from semi-brown over deer red to black with tan or white markings
  • Build: broad chest, muscular build, pear-shaped head, high set tail, small tipped ears, ground covering gait and flowing movements
Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 42 - 48 cm
Weight ♀ 12 - 18 kg
Size ♂ 44 - 50 cm
Weight ♂ 12 - 18 kg
Suitable For -


brown-white brown-whiteblack blackLoh Loh

Other medium dogs

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