American Dingo

American Dingo Breed description: Character & Co

American Dingo

Life expectancy
12 - 14
Adaptable Loyal Reserved Meek

Carolina Dog - a breed description

The Carolina Dog is recognized as a distinct breed by the United Kennel Club, but is not registered as a breed with the FCI. These dogs are both bred, but also still occur in the wild today. Outside the USA this breed is still relatively unknown. These animals with their great desire for freedom are loving family dogs, but not suitable for beginners. In order to turn the shy four-legged friend into a great companion, he should be socialized from puppyhood.

What is the origin of the American Dingo?

The Carolina Dog is the descendant of the American wild dogs. This breed is also known as the American Dingo. This breed is believed to have existed in this form for 8,000 years. They were considered companion dogs of the Indians. Evidence of this can be found on ancient Native American cave paintings. South Carolina and especially the areas along the Savannah River are considered the original home of the Carolina Dogs.

Banner: Shutterstock / Susan Schmitz
Carolina Dog, American Dingo, brown medium dog with ears, Dingo from America, American dog breeds, unrecognized dog breed from America, USA dog, dog of the inhabitants, native dog breed, breeding dog, free-living breed, breed description, dog lays head on the table where treats and smarties are lying Carolina Dog, American Dingo, brown medium dog with standing ears, Dingo from America, American dog breeds, Unrecognized dog breed from America, USA dog, Dog of the inhabitants, Native dog breed, Breeding dog, Free-living breed, Breed description Carolina Dog, American Dingo, Brown medium dog with ears, Dingo from America, American dog breeds, Unrecognized dog breed from America, USA dog, Dog of the inhabitants, Native dog breed, Breeding dog, Free-living breed, Female, Female dog Carolina Dog, American Dingo, brown medium dog with standing ears, Dingo from America, American dog breeds, Unrecognized dog breed from America, USA dog, Dog of the inhabitants, Native dog breed, Breeding dog, Free-living breed, Breed description
Alternate Name Carolina Dog, Dixie Dingo, North American Native Dog, Native American Indian Dog, Indian's Dog, Yellow Dog, Yaller Dog
Origin USA
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

What are typical character traits of the American Dingo?

The American Dingo is:

  • friendly and affectionate
  • cheerful and sensitive
  • obedient and attentive

Once the four-legged friend has gained trust in its family, its shyness disappears and Dingos are considered to be great cuddlers. These dogs are excellently suitable as watchdogs. They strike quickly, are always skeptical of strangers and can even become unfriendly and aggressive if they sense that something is wrong. However, these four-legged friends can be trained very well and are also excellent for families with children. Of course, the Carolina Dog feels most at home with active families and in a house with an escape-proof garden.


  • adaptable
  • loyal
  • reserved
  • meek


  • Watchdog

What are typical diseases of American Dingo?

Since this breed is original dogs, these four-legged friends are considered very robust and little susceptible to diseases. There are no known hereditary diseases typical of the breed. With a species-appropriate diet and sufficient exercise, your dog is guaranteed to stay healthy and fit.

Carolina Dog breeding - where, how, what?

Certified breeders breed this dog breed exclusively in the UKC Kennel Club. If you want to buy an American Dingo, you should definitely look for a certified breeder from this club. Only then you can be sure that you will get a purebred, healthy and vital Carolina Dog. With non-certified breeders there is also a high risk of inbreeding, because Carolina Dogs have a small gene pool.

Carolina Dog, American Dingo, brown medium dog with standing ears, Dingo from America, American dog breeds, Unrecognized dog breed from America, USA dog, Dog of the inhabitants, Native dog breed, Breeding dog, Free-living breed, Breed description

These four-legged dogs are very slender and their long legs are striking. They are medium-sized, have a light build and their light-footed gait is also striking. At the same time, the dogs are very muscular and strong and have a well-shaped waist. The tail is very hairy on the underside and is carried horizontally. When alert or excited, the tail stands up and when frightened or uncomfortable, the tail is tucked between the legs.

Appearance and Coat of the Carolina Dog

The coat of the Carolina Dog is dense, short, soft and fluffy. These dogs are always light in color and the colors range from yellow, beige and a reddish brown. There are also American Dingos with spots. On the cheeks, throat and chest, these quadrupeds always have lighter spots.

How big does an American Dingo grow?

The Carolina Dog reaches a size of 55 cm to 57 cm. There is hardly any difference between males and females.

How much does a Carolina Dog weigh?

These dogs do not get very heavy. They reach a maximum weight of about 13 kg to 18 kg. Females tend to be a little lighter, although they are hardly smaller than males, they do appear more petite.

How old does a Carolina Dog live?

This dog breed reaches an average age of 12 to 14 years.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 46 - 57 cm
Weight ♀ 13 - 18 kg
Size ♂ 55 - 57 cm
Weight ♂ 13 - 18 kg
Suitable For -


brown brownlight brown light browngold goldbrown-white brown-white

Other medium dogs

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