English foxhound

English foxhound Breed description: Character & Co

English foxhound

Life expectancy
10 - 13
Active Friendly Companionable Meek Tolerant Affable

The hunting dog from Great Britain: English Foxhound

The English Foxhound has a long tradition as a hunting dog. Today it has also arrived as a family dog. Since the Middle Ages, this agile pack dog has been used mainly for fox hunting. It is a running dog that has been specifically and more uniformly bred since about the 19th century. The British breed is recognized by the FCI in FCI Group 6, Section 1.1, Standard No. 159.

Besides its country of origin, Great Britain, it is also bred today in Germany and other countries.

Banner: Shutterstock / Grisha Bruev
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Alternate Name Foxhound, Fox Hound
Origin UK
Life expectancy 10 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Scent hounds
AKC group Hound Group
KC group Hound Group

For experienced dog connoisseurs

The English Foxhound is still very popular for drag hunts. For this purpose, it is often kept in pack kennels. These dogs are then highly socialized and work in harmony with their conspecifics. However, they are not suitable as family dogs. If you are interested in the breed, a young animal should be integrated into the family routine at an early stage and thus be imprinted on the people. One must be able to deal with the high hunting instinct. Thus, the English Foxhound is good for experienced dog owners. They are dogs that can ideally live in a fenced yard or in a quieter location. They tend to be uncomfortable in a hectic city or in a small apartment. Despite this, they usually have a very friendly nature towards older children, strangers and other dogs.

High energy level - The hunting instinct of the English Foxhound

The English Foxhound has a high hunting drive and can be exercised by hunting or other activities. Associations such as the German Riders and Drivers Association are one way to train your dog for drag hunting. There are many associations of interest that are at the same time subject to many guidelines and a code of honor. The respectful treatment of nature, animals and the environment are specified therein.

The English Foxhound as a companion

The English Foxhound is therefore a good choice for these activities:

  1. As a working dog for drag hunting in a pack, its abilities come into their own.
  2. As a sporting dog for runners or for daily endurance training, he is in good condition, but should be kept on a leash.
  3. In a fenced yard or garden it can still be well exercised, in the apartment it can quickly become bored.


  • active
  • friendly
  • companionable
  • meek
  • tolerant
  • affable


  • Hunting Dog
  • Family Dog
English Foxhound, hunting dog from Great Britain, English dog breed, dog with floppy ears, tricolor dog breed, dog breed with three colors, tricolor dog similar to beagle, dog with floppy ears and black white brown coat, medium dog breed, hunting dog breed, English Foxhound, pack dog


If you are interested in the Foxhound, you can get valuable information about keeping as well as breeders from established and experienced hunting and working dog associations. In a more casual way it is also suitable as a companion for passionate runners, for example, because of its endurance and condition. However, your English Foxhound should be fully exercised every day.

Generally it is to be distinguished whether the Foxhound comes from a pack and was bred for the hunt. If you are looking for more of a companion, there are breeders who breed for shows. It is worthwhile to inform yourself beforehand and to make sure where the dog can be trained. The very active dog is not suitable for households with small children. Therefore it should be considered that it is a pack dog. It is a rather rare breed, which at the same time does not have many special diseases. However, they have a predisposition to hound ataxia, similar to the beagle.

English Foxhound breed description, temperament and character, dog with three colors, tricolor dog breed, dog with floppy ears from England, Great Britain dog breed, English hunting dog, hunting dog breed, tricolor, dog with three colors, dog similar to Beagle

It is categorized as a large running dog and has an average height at the withers of about 58-64 cm. Weighing up to 35 kg, it has a rather slender build, which makes him very nimble. Its dense and smooth coat is well suited for working in the woods and is easily brushed when needed. The following colors are recognized in the standard:

  • White is the lightest variety and usually has even smaller markings.
  • White and black is also possible, whereby mostly back and ears are darker.
  • White and orange with brown-red markings is probably the best known color, which can occur in many combinations with larger or smaller color spots.
Fur length short
Fur -
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy slim, sporty
Size ♀ 53 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 35 - 32 kg
Size ♂ 56 - 63 cm
Weight ♂ 27 - 34 kg
Suitable For -


tricolour tricolourwhite whiteyellow yellowbrown-white brown-white
English Foxhound puppy sitting on a meadow, small tricolor dog, dog similar to beagle, tricolor dog, dog with floppy ears, hunting dog breed
light English Foxhound, hunting dog breed, hunting dog from England with points, dog with long tongue, pack, dog pack
English Foxhound, hunting dog from Great Britain, English dog breed, dog with floppy ears, tricolor dog breed, dog breed with three colors, tricolor dog similar to beagle, dog with floppy ears and black white brown coat, medium dog breed, hunting dog breed, English Foxhound, pack dog
  • Ataxia

    Ataxia (from Greek ἀταξία ataxia 'disorder' 'irregularity') is a generic term in medicine for various disorders of movement coordination. Ataxia can occur even when there is no paralysis (paresis), that is, when there is normal muscle strength.

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