Hybrid Breed

Collie + German Shepherd


German Shepherd and Collie Mix - a hybrid breed.

The best of both worlds! The German Shepherd and Collie Mix is the perfect blend of loyal and protective German Shepherd and gentle and loving Collie.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The average German Shepherd-Collie mix is about 55 cm tall and weighs 30 kg. They have a long, dense coat that can be any color, but is usually black, brown or white. They have a long head with a deep muzzle and large ears. Their body is muscular and strong, with a long tail. It is a medium-sized dog and is considered one of the most intelligent breeds.

Alternate Name -
Origin Scotland - Germany
Life expectancy 9 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of German Shepherd and Collie mix - Such is probably his nature.

If you mix a German Shepherd with a Collie, you get a dog that is intelligent, loyal and protective. It is a strong and athletic breed that is well suited for families with children. They are also good with other pets. The German Shepherd Collie mix is a balanced dog that is easy to train.

This breed is best suited for an active family where they can get plenty of exercise. They need daily walks or runs and love to play catch. German Shepherds are known to love to work, and the Collie mix is no different. If you are looking for a dog that excels in obedience and agility training, this is the breed for you.

The German Shepherd Collie mix is a relatively healthy breed. However, they are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia as well as eye problems. It is important that you contact a reputable breeder to ensure that the puppy comes from healthy parents.

This mixed breed has a life expectancy of 10-12 years. The German Shepherd-Collie mix is a low maintenance breed as far as grooming is concerned. They only need brushing once or twice a week and only need a bath when they start to smell.


  • agile
  • athletic
  • friendly
  • happy
  • determined
  • obedient
  • intelligent
  • concentrated
  • curious
  • confidently
  • faithfully
  • vigilant


  • Herding Dog
  • Watchdog
  • Working Dog
  • Police Dog
  • Sheepdog
Scottish flag german flag

What diseases can occur in German Shepherd and Collie Mix.

One of the most popular mixed breeds is the German Shepherd-Collie mix. This mix combines the best of both worlds - the loyalty and intelligence of the German Shepherd with the friendly nature of the Collie.

However, as with any mixed breed, there is no guarantee that your German Shepherd-Collie mix will be free of health problems. In fact, there are a number of health disorders that affect this mixed breed.

The most common health problem in German Shepherd Collie mixes is hip dysplasia. This is a condition in which the hip joint does not develop properly, resulting in pain and lameness. Hip dysplasia is thought to be genetic.

Another common health problem in German Shepherd-Collie mixes is allergies. Allergies are often inherited from one or both parents, so it is important to find out about the parents' history before selecting a puppy.

German Shepherd Collie mixes are also prone to a number of eye problems, including progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts.

If you are considering adding a German Shepherd Collie mix to your family, do your research and choose a responsible breeder.

A German Shepherd-Collie mix has a predominantly black coat with some brown and white markings. The coat is thick and dense and provides excellent insulation from the cold. The coloring of the coat helps the dog blend in with its surroundings, making it difficult for predators to spot.

Fur length long
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail fanned out
Anatomy sporty, massive, strong
Size ♀ 51 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 21 - 36 kg
Size ♂ 56 - 65 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • MDR1 defect

    The MDR1 defect is a defect in the MDR1 gene that can occur in some breeds of dogs and in humans. This results in the deficient or absent synthesis of a certain protein which is an important component of the blood-brain barrier, leading to hypersensitivity to some drugs.

  • Metabolic diseases (cystinuria)

    Cystinuria is a hereditary metabolic disease. Affected dogs lack a transport protein for certain amino acids (protein building blocks). In the kidney, the task of this transport protein is a return transport of amino acids from the urine into the bloodstream.

  • A German Shepherd-Collie mix is a cross between a German Shepherd and a Collie. These dogs are usually loyal, intelligent and easy to train. They are great family pets and do well with children.

  • German Shepherd-Collie mixes can look different, but usually have the strong, muscular build of a German Shepherd and the long coat of a Collie. They may also have some of the markings of a Collie, such as a white chest or head.

  • German Shepherds and Collie mixes are usually about 55 cm tall.

  • German Shepherd and Collie mixes need daily exercise and plenty of mental stimulation. They are best suited to a home with a large garden or access to a dog park. They also need regular brushing to prevent matting in their long coats.

  • Yes, German Shepherds and Collie mixes are generally good dogs. They are loyal, intelligent and easy to train. They are great family dogs and get along well with children.

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