Pit Bullmastiff:American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Pit Bull Terrier + Bullmastiff


American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff Mix - a hybrid breed

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a mixed breed of the Bullmastiff. It is a strong, muscular dog with a short coat. They are loyal and protective of their family and make excellent guard dogs.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix breed typically has a short, muscular build with a broad chest and strong hindquarters. They usually weigh between 30 and 50 kg and are 56 to 76 cm tall at the shoulder.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA - England
Life expectancy 8 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Amstaff and Bullmastiff mix - Such is probably his nature.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a mixed breed of the American Staffordshire Terrier and the English Bull Terrier. They are bred for their strength, intelligence and loyalty. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a very popular pet in the United States and is known as a loving and protective family dog. They are also used in law enforcement and as service dogs. The American Pit Bull Terrier is an athletic and muscular dog with a short, thick coat. It comes in a variety of colors, including black, white, blue, red, brindle and tawny. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a medium-sized dog weighing between 30 and 60 pounds. It has a broad head with short, cropped ears. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a strong, powerful dog with lots of energy. It needs daily exercise and mental stimulation. They are intelligent dogs and are easy to train. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a loyal and affectionate companion. They are affectionate to their family and make excellent watchdogs. The American Pit Bull Terrier has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.

The Bullmastiff is a large breed of domestic dog. It was originally bred in England in the 19th century to help gamekeepers protect themselves from poachers. The Bullmastiff is a cross between the English Bulldog and the English Mastiff. It is a large, muscular dog with a short, thick coat. It comes in a variety of colors, including brindle, beige, black and brown. The Bull Mastiff is a large dog that weighs between 100 and 130 pounds. It has a broad head with floppy ears. The Bullmastiff is a calm, courageous and loyal dog. They are gentle with children and make excellent family dogs. They are not as active as other dog breeds and do not need as much exercise. The Bullmastiff has a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years.


  • affectionate
  • assertive
  • obedient
  • intelligent
  • loyal
  • Irritable
  • confidently
  • stubborn
  • brave
  • compliantly
  • powerful
  • protective
  • dedicated
  • concentrated
  • reserved
  • quietly
  • reliable


  • Watchdog
  • Companion Dog
  • Family Dog
american flag Flag from Great Britain

What diseases can occur in American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mix.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is a very strong and muscular dog. They are known to be very loyal and loving to their family and friends. However, they can also be very aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

The Amstaff Bullmastiff mix is a very strong and muscular dog. They are known to be very loyal and loving towards their family and friends. However, they can also be very aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is prone to a number of health problems, some of which can be very serious. These include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cherry eyes, allergies and skin infections.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is a very strong and muscular dog. They are known to be very loyal and loving to their family and friends. However, they can also be very aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is prone to a number of health problems, some of which can be very serious. These include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cherry eyes, allergies and skin infections.

Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joint does not develop properly. This can lead to pain, lameness and even arthritis. Elbow dysplasia is a similar condition that affects the elbow joint.

In Cherry Eye, the third eyelid, which normally protects the eye, protrudes or detaches from the eye socket. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, including itching, rash, watery eyes and nose, and vomiting. Skin infections are often caused by allergies and can be very painful.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is a very strong and muscular dog. They are known to be very loyal and loving to their family and friends. However, they can also be very aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix is prone to a number of health problems, some of which can be very serious. These include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cherry eyes, allergies and skin infections.

The American Pit Bull Terrier-Bullmastiff mix breed has a short, shiny coat that can be any color. The most common colors are black, blue, beige and brindle.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, square, square, hefty
Size ♀ 43 - 66 cm
Weight ♀ 14 - 54 kg
Size ♂ 45 - 68 cm
Weight ♂ 16 - 59 kg
Suitable For -
  • Teat Tumors

    Tumours of the mammary gland, also known as mammary tumours, are among the most common cancers in dogs.

  • rolled Eyelid

    A rolled eyelid (entropion) is an eyelid malposition in dogs

  • An American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mix is a hybrid dog breed created by crossing an American Pit Bull Terrier with a Bullmastiff.

  • An American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mix has usually inherited the physical characteristics of both parent breeds, although the exact appearance may vary depending on the predominant parent breed. They are usually large, muscular dogs with short coats.

  • American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mixes have inherited the best traits of both parent breeds, resulting in loyal, obedient and loving dogs. They are usually good-natured and friendly, although they can be protective of their family and home.

  • The life expectancy of an American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mix is 10 to 12 years.

  • Yes, American Pit Bull Terrier and Bullmastiff mixes tend to make great family dogs. They usually get along well with children and other pets and are loyal and protective companions.

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