
Life expectancy
10 - 12
Protective Independent Patiently Humorous Intelligent Smart Powerful Loyal Funny

What is the origin of Kuvasz?

Historians suspect that the Kuvasz already accompanied Magyars during the migration of peoples in late antiquity. In his "Encyclopedia of pedigree dogs", the famous Swiss cynologist Hans Räber suggests that the Kuvacz was once crossed with the Komondor, also from Hungary, and that the breeds were not separated until around 1900. In the past centuries, the Kuvasz has performed at its best in protecting large flocks of sheep. They courageously stood in the way of predators such as wolves and bears, but also two-legged thieves. With its imposing shape, the Kuvasz scared off almost everyone who tried to intrude. According to tradition, the Kuvasz was also at home at the court of the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus in the 15th century. Here, it accompanied fine noblemen on the hunt for bears and wolves. In 1905, experts drew up the first standard, which was accepted by the international dog association FCI in 1935. A sad chapter in the history of the breed was the Second World War and the great Hungarian uprising in 1956: at that time Kuvasz almost became extinct. .

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small white puppy, Hungarian dog breed Kuvasz, small white dog like GOlden Retriever, medium length coat big white dog with long felty hair and floppy ears from Hungary, Kuvasz looks similar to the Golden Retriever dog, Hungarian dog breed two small white puppies from the Kuvasz dog are playing in the meadow, young dogs from the hungarian dog breed Kuvasz are lying in the grass and playing sweetly with each other Kuvasz dog breed in shadow, big white dog
Alternate Name -
Origin Hungary
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Sheepdogs
AKC group working group
KC group Pastoral Group

What are the typical character traits of Kuvasz?

The Kuvasz is an independently acting dog, which had to make its own decisions in the past. Exactly these traits are the reason why a Kuvasz dog is better-suited in the hand of experienced dog owners. As the first one and a half years of their lives shape the character of the animals, you should familiarise your four-legged friend with everything it has to learn during this time. This includes accepting strangers in the house, tolerating noise in the house and valuing the family members as higher ranking. Because one thing is clear: If a full-grown Kuvasz wants to move in a certain direction, you don't stand a chance against them as the person on the other end of the leash. Even with children, it is best to get the four-legged friend used to this at a young age. Because of its size alone, it is not an ideal playmate for small children. It is therefore important gain the animal's respect by treating them with consistency and empathy. The Kuvasz should be kept in a house with a large, fenced-in area. This allows it to pursue its passion, namely protecting its territory. The giant also enjoys going for walks.


  • protective
  • independent
  • patiently
  • humorous
  • intelligent
  • smart
  • powerful
  • loyal
  • funny


  • Watchdog
  • Herding Dog
  • Sheepdog
young Kuvasz dog, white dog looking like Golden Retriever, hungarian dog breed, large dog breed with long coat

What are typical diseases of the Kuvasz?

With the Kuvasz, it is especially important to choose food that is adapted to its age. If the nutrient content is too high, the Kuvasz may grow faster than it should. Problems with the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system are the result. Here are some more health risks:

  • Hip joint dysplasia
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy, an eye disease

What should be considered regarding Kuvasz breeding?

In Austria, you can get information about the Kuvasz from the General Shepherd and Herding Dog Club, among others. Lovers buy their Kuvasz puppy from a serious breeder, where they can get to know the parent animals. The expert will competently advise you on the choice of your future family addition and can present papers of mother and father animals. A serious breeder will already expose the young dogs to the first environmental stimuli and thus prepare them for later demands. Before buying a Kuvasz you should also consider that a Kuvasz is certainly more expensive to keep than other breeds. After all, your darling needs more food, and the veterinary costs can be higher. So you better calculate carefully if you want to buy a Kuvasz.

Kuvasz dog breed description

The Kuvasz with its massive body truly makes an impressive appearance. The strong build attracts all eyes. A mane is also typical for males, it is less pronounced in bitches. The black pigmented nose is also typical for the breed. Despite their heavy weight they are amazingly agile and appear rather elegant and not at all clumsy. Often the coat is very tattered, when brushed and groomed, the Kuvasz looks very similar to a Golden Retriever or a white Labrador dog.

Appearance and coat of the Kuvasz

If you are interested in buying a Kuvasz puppy, you should consider that you will end up with a giant in your home later on. You cannot just easily take a dog that weighs over 60 kilograms anywhere. Any transport, be it to a destination or to the vet, requires a big enough car. The Kuvasz is covered with medium-length, sometimes slightly wavy fur. Twice a year, when the coat changes, the animal loses a lot of its dense undercoat. During this time daily brushing is a must to be able to deal with the large amount of hair that will otherwise stick to your furniture and clothes. Even during the year the Kuvasz sheds more than other breeds. It is therefore worth getting them used to grooming their ivory-coloured coat at a young age.

What is the average size of a Kuvasz?

The animals grow to a height of up to 76 centimetres.

How much does a Kuvasz weigh?

An adult Kuvasz can weigh up to 62 kilograms.

What is the life expectancy of a Kuvasz?

They live to about 12 years of age.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy rugged, hefty
Size ♀ 65 - 70 cm
Weight ♀ 35 - 40 kg
Size ♂ 70 - 76 cm
Weight ♂ 45 - 52 kg
Suitable For -


white white
two small white puppies from the Kuvasz dog are playing in the meadow, young dogs from the hungarian dog breed Kuvasz are lying in the grass and playing sweetly with each other
Kuvasz dog breed in shadow, big white dog
young Kuvasz dog, white dog looking like Golden Retriever, hungarian dog breed, large dog breed with long coat
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

Other large dogs

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Austrian Pinscher

