Cocker Pug:Cocker Spaniel and Pug Mix
Facts & Origin
Cocker Spaniel and Pug Mix - a hybrid breed.
Cockapugs (also known as Pockers or Puger Spaniels) are a mixed breed created from a Cocker Spaniel and a Pug. They enjoy great popularity as all-around family dogs because they are very affectionate, gentle and energetic. They are also very intelligent and quick to learn new things. This makes them a perfect choice for teachers. Cockapugs have medium length hair and feature the short ears of the Pug and the coat and texture of the Cocker Spaniel. They usually have a fairly flat head and a livelier, more alert appearance than many other breeds. Although they are very loving and innocent as family dogs, they should not be underestimated as they are loyal to their owners* and go to great lengths to protect them.
Alternate Name | Pocker, Puger Spaniel |
Origin | England - China |
Life expectancy | 10 - 17 years |
Care requirements | high-maintenance - low-maintenance |
Activity level | average - low |
FCI group | not recognised |
AKC group | not recognised |
KC group | not recognised |
More Cocker Spaniel mixes
More Pug mixes
Attitude, character and temperament of the breed
Possible character traits of Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix - Such is probably his nature.
Cocker Spaniel and Pug mixes are unique and graceful dogs that stand out for their lovable character and cheerful attitude. Their amalgamation of the best qualities of both breeds creates a very interesting combination.
Because of their wonderful personalities, Cocker Spaniel and Pug mixes have gained a loyal and caring reputation. These dogs are usually very affectionate and cuddly. They appreciate their owners* attention and love to do chores to please them. Since Cocker Spaniels tend to be reserved, and Pugs tend to be very energetic, these mixes usually prefer a more moderate approach: they are gentle and playful, but not pushy.
In addition, these dogs love to exercise: they can enjoy long walks or jogs, but also play in the garden or living room. However, despite their energy, they also make delightful companion pets. Basically, Cocker Spaniels and Pug mixes are calming, lovable friends to their owners* and create a bond with them that lasts for years.

Health and breeding information
What diseases can occur in Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix.
Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes are popular dog owners because they combine a combination of both breeds. They are also known as a Carlin mix and are unique and one of a kind in every way. However, they can also be more prone to certain diseases and health problems than other dog breeds.
One of the most common health problems seen in Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes is a respiratory disorder. This happens when the dog's upper airways are severely constricted, causing him to breathe heavily and not get enough oxygen. In more severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia and lung failure. Regular visits to the veterinarian can help diagnose and treat these problems.
Another common problem in Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes is patellar luxation. This occurs when the kneecap is either prematurely or improperly seated in the joint. While this is not necessarily life threatening, it can lead to health problems that require early treatment and care.
Other common, but not life-threatening, problems that occur in Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes include gingivitis, torn cruciate ligaments, allergies, and skin problems. Because these problems often require early treatment, you should visit your veterinarian regularly to make sure your dog is getting all the necessary vaccines and tests.
It is important to remember that Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes can be sensitive to stress. Therefore, it is important to provide them with a calm, stress-free home where they can relax and stay away from anything that might upset them.
Overall, Cocker Spaniel Pug mixes are a popular breed. Although they can be more prone to certain diseases and health issues than other dog breeds, proper handling and care can help them live a happy and healthy life.
What does this mixed breed look like?
A Cocker Spaniel and Pug mixed breed is a sociable and playful breed. It has a medium length, dense and fluffy coat. The color is usually chocolate brown or black with white markings. Sometimes the female has lighter colors such as cream, dark brown or blackish brown coat. The color of the undercoat is usually lighter than the top. The head and tail of the dog are larger compared to other breeds, which gives a very unique appearance.
What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?
A Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix usually has a short, soft coat with varying shades of color. The ears are usually long and hang down. The head is round and the nose is usually black. The body is muscular, the legs are short and strong. The root of the tail is slightly curved over the back. The mongrel has a weight between 4.5 to 7 kg and is about 25-35 cm long.
Fur length | medium - short |
Fur | wavy - flat coated |
Ear shape | Floppy Ear - Tilt-ear |
Tail | fanned out - stubby |
Anatomy | dainty, massive, square, hefty |
Size ♀ | 22 - 41 cm |
Weight ♀ | 6 - 15 kg |
Size ♂ | 25 - 43 cm |
Weight ♂ | 6 - 16 kg |
Suitable For | - |
Known Diseases
Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.
Breathing problems
Dogs with shortened muzzles can often experience respiratory problems.
Denture malocclusions
Malocclusions of the dentition often occur in dogs with short muzzles.
Heart disease
Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.
Hip dysplasia (HD)
The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.
Shortness of breath
Difficult breathing can be recognized by the dog's rattling and sometimes accelerated breathing rate.
Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!
A Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix is a very energetic and playful dog. They are very friendly and affectionate, but also temperamental and independent.
Yes, a Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix can be trained to hunt. They are intelligent dogs that are easy to train and quickly understand what is expected of them.
Yes, a Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix can be prone to a number of health problems common to both breeds. These include problems with the eyes, bones and joints, respiratory infections and allergies.
A Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix should be given one to two hours of exercise and run every day. This will help them stay healthy, happy and well balanced.
No, a Cocker Spaniel and Pug mix is not particularly demanding. They are quite easy to care for and only need a good diet, regular exercise and love and affection.
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