Redbone Coonhound

Redbone Coonhound Breed description: Character & Co

Redbone Coonhound

Life expectancy
10 - 12
Attentive Friendly Intelligent Animatedly

General information about the Redbone Coonhound

The US-American dog breed Redbone Coonhound has not yet been recognized by the FCI, but by the American and English Kennel Club. The American was used in the past, as well as today, for hunting, because it is sure-footed and nimble in the field. The Redbone Coonhound is assigned to the "Hound Group" by the AKC.

Origin and history

The name of the Redbone Coonhound probably comes from its first breeder, the American Peter Redbone. He bred the proud dogs in the state of Tennessee. Basically, the Redbone Coonhounds were used for hunting, as it is still sometimes the case today. This breed, as the name suggests, belongs to the Redbone family. Among other things, these were bred to help American settlers hunt raccoons and other small game. Thus, the dogs secured raw materials and food for the settlers as the nation spread from south to west. Many people remember the Redbone Coonhound as the dog that lazily dozes on the porch during his rest breaks. The Redbone Coonhound's origins include the red foxhounds that were imported from Scotland to America in the 18th century.

Banner: Shutterstock / Mary Swift
Two on a meadow Redbone Coonhound breed description, dog with floppy ears, brown red dog breed from America, not recognized dog breed with big ears, big hunting dog, dog similar to Magyar Vizsla, dog similar to Foxhound, red breed Two on a meadow Redbone Coonhound breed description, dog with floppy ears, brown red dog breed from America, not recognized dog breed with big ears, big hunting dog, dog similar to Magyar Vizsla, dog similar to Foxhound, red breed, picture of the head, dog head Two on a meadow Redbone Coonhound breed description, dog with floppy ears, brown red dog breed from America, not recognized dog breed with big ears, big hunting dog, dog similar to Magyar Vizsla, dog similar to Foxhound, red breed Redbone Coonhound breed description, dog with floppy ears, brown red dog breed from America, not recognized dog breed with big ears, big hunting dog, dog similar to Magyar Vizsla, dog similar to Foxhound, red breed
Alternate Name English Coonhound
Origin USA
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group Hound Group
KC group not recognised

The nature of the Redbone Coonhound

Its disposition is lively and willing to work. In addition, Redbone Coonhounds are very friendly and intelligent.

Redbone Coonhounds are very attentive and eager to learn. They are full of energy, but also enjoy their long rests. If you're looking for a dog that you can not only have fun with but also snuggle with on the couch, the Redbone Coonhound is perfect for you. The cuddly hunting dog is easy to train, although you should be mindful of your dog's strong hunting instincts on walks. You are welcome to keep the Redbone Coonhound as a companion and family dog, but your dog must get enough exercise.

Husbandry and use

When keeping the Redbone Coonhound, one thing is especially important, and that is enough exercise. Although these dogs also like to lounge around, long walks and exercise are mandatory. It is recommended that you do not keep the Redbone Coonhound in a small apartment. If you're looking for some ideas for exercise with your Redbone Coonhound, here are a few:


  • attentive
  • friendly
  • intelligent
  • animatedly


  • Working Dog
  • Hunting Dog

Breeding and buying a Redbone dog

Buying a Redbone Coonhound or Bluetick is a bit difficult in Germany and Austria. As this hunting dog breed is a real American, it is mainly bred in Georgia. You will find a few breeders of the Black and Tan Coonhound in Germany, but none of the Redbone Coonhound. It is recommended to ask in animal shelters again and again, maybe you have luck. In the USA there are about 450 breeders of the breed.

Redbone Coonhound breed description, dog with floppy ears, brown red dog breed from America, not recognized dog breed with big ears, big hunting dog, dog similar to Magyar Vizsla, dog similar to Foxhound, red breed

The dogs reach a height at the withers of 53-69 cm, depending on the sex. With a weight between 20 and 32 kg, the Redbone Coonhound belongs to the medium-sized dogs. The dogs can live up to 15 years.

Characteristic of the Redbone Coonhound is its slender and strong build. These dogs are designed to run long distances through the mountains and hunt avidly. They are known for their tirelessness and endurance. This breed has high legs, a slender waist, and an expressive look that many people describe as pleading or desperate. The medium sized hunting dog is a proud American with elegant and lofty posture.

The dogs coat is usually solid red to mahogany in color. Classic for the Redbone Coonhound are its long floppy ears, which usually reach to its muzzle. The nose itself can be black or red.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 20 - 30 kg
Size ♂ 53 - 69 cm
Weight ♂ 20 - 32 kg
Suitable For -


brown brownred red

Other large dogs

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