Hybrid Breed

Poodle + Shiba Inu


Poodle and Shiba Inu mix - a hybrid breed.

The Poodle and Shiba Inu mix is a great choice for those looking for a small to medium sized dog that is intelligent, active and doesn't shed much. This mix is a great companion for families and singles alike.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The Poodle-Shiba-Inu mix is a medium-sized dog with a slender body. They weigh between 10 and 15 kg and are 45 to 50 cm tall. They have a dense, fluffy coat that can be any color, but is usually white or cream. They have a long muzzle and ears, and their tail is long and curled.

Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - Japan
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Poodle and Shiba Inu mix - Such is probably his nature.

Poodle and Shiba Inu mixes are popular breeds due to their small size and hypoallergenic coat. They are also known to be intelligent, loyal and trainable.

The coat of Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes is usually either black, white or brown. The coat is dense and curly and requires regular grooming.

Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes are loyal and loving dogs that make excellent companions. They are intelligent and learn quickly, making them easy to train. They also get along well with children and other pets.

Although Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes are generally healthy dogs, there are some health issues to watch out for. These include hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and von Willebrand disease.


  • active
  • educable
  • intelligent
  • concentrated
  • funny
  • faithfully
  • charming
  • fearless
  • reserved
  • quietly
  • shrewd
  • confidently
  • stubborn
  • shy


  • Family Dog
  • Companion Dog
  • Hunting Dog
german flag Japanese flag

What diseases can occur in Poodle and Shiba Inu mix.

The Poodle-Shiba Inu mix is very popular with many dog lovers. However, there are some health concerns that come with this mixed breed. Known diseases of the Poodle-Shiba-Inu mix include hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, von Willebrand disease and epilepsy.

Hip dysplasia is a common problem in many large breeds, and the Poodle-Shiba-Inu mix is no exception. This condition occurs when the hip joint does not fit properly, causing pain and lameness. The dysplasia can be mild or severe, and affected dogs require lifelong treatment.

Patellar luxation is another problem in this mixed breed. This condition occurs when the kneecap slips, causing pain and lameness. The luxation can be mild or severe, and affected dogs require lifelong treatment.

Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder that can occur in some dogs. This disease can range from mild to life-threatening, and affected dogs require lifelong treatment.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that can cause seizures. This condition can be mild or severe, and affected dogs must be treated for life.

This mixed breed dog has a curly, dense coat of medium length. The most common colors for this mix are black, white and brown, but it also comes in red and apricot. The coat is trimmed short on the face, legs and underside and longer on the body, giving the dog a slightly shaggy appearance.

Fur length medium
Fur curly -
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Standing Ears
Tail lang - rolled up
Anatomy slim, sporty, rugged, hefty
Size ♀ 33 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 28 kg
Size ♂ 35 - 60 cm
Weight ♂ 8 - 28 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Blind people, Children, Seniors, Seniors
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • A Poodle-Shiba Inu mix is a hybrid dog breed created by crossing a Poodle with a Shiba Inu. This mixed breed has inherited the best qualities of both parents and is known for being intelligent, active and loyal.

  • Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes usually weigh between 10 and 15 kg and are 45 to 50 cm high.

  • The average life expectancy of a Poodle-Shiba-Inu mix is 12 to 15 years.

  • Yes, Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes make great family pets. They are usually very loving and devoted to their families, and they get along well with children and other pets.

  • Poodle and Shiba-Inu mixes are generally very intelligent and eager to learn, so they are usually quite easy to train. However, like all dogs, they need patience, consistency and positive reinforcement to learn new things.

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