Doberman Shepherd:German Shepherd and Dobermann Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Shepherd + Dobermann


Doberman and German Shepherd Mix - a hybrid breed.

This mixed breed is the perfect combination of guard dog and loyal companion. The Doberman German Shepherd mix is a big, strong dog that protects his family and is an excellent guard dog.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The Doberman German Shepherd mix breed is a large, muscular dog with a long, thick coat. They usually weigh between 25 and 30 kg, and their body measurements are as follows: Chest circumference - 85 cm, length of the back - 70 cm, and height at the shoulder - 60 cm.

Alternate Name Shepherd
Origin Germany
Life expectancy 9 - 13 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average to high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Doberman and German Shepherd Mix - Such is probably his nature.

Many people are interested in owning a Doberman Pinscher German Shepherd mix because the two breeds have such beneficial traits. The Doberman is an alert, fearless and obedient dog, while the German Shepherd is an intelligent, trainable and loyal dog. Each breed has its own unique strengths that make them desirable as mixed breeds.

If owners want the best of both worlds in one dog, they can opt for a Doberman Pinscher-German Shepherd mix. This breed has the potential to inherit the best traits of both parents. They are medium to large in size and have a short coat that is easy to groom. The mix can also have a strong, muscular build with high energy levels.

While the mixed breed may inherit the best traits of both parents, they may also inherit some of the health problems typical of each breed. For example, the Doberman Pinscher is prone to health problems such as hip dysplasia, cardiomyopathy and von Willebrand disease. The German Shepherd is also prone to health problems such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and degenerative myelopathy.

Owners should do thorough research before choosing a Doberman Pinscher-German Shepherd mix. They should also be aware of the potential health problems this mix can inherit. With proper care and attention, the Doberman Pinscher German Shepherd mix can be a great companion for years to come.


  • obedient
  • intelligent
  • concentrated
  • curious
  • confidently
  • faithfully
  • vigilant
  • energetic
  • fearless
  • loyal


  • Watchdog
  • Herding Dog
  • Working Dog
  • Police Dog
  • Sheepdog
german flag german flag

What diseases can occur in Doberman and German Shepherd Mix.

The Doberman and German Shepherd mix is a cross between the Doberman and German Shepherd breeds. These dogs are usually large and muscular, with a short coat that is easy to groom. They are intelligent and loyal, making them excellent family dogs. However, like all mixed breeds, they can be prone to certain health problems.

One of the most common health problems in Doberman Shepherd mixes is hip dysplasia. This is a condition in which the hip joint does not form properly, resulting in pain and lameness. It is important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian if you suspect he is suffering from hip dysplasia, as the condition can be treated with medication and weight control.

Another health problem in Doberman Shepherd mixes is bloat. This is a condition where the stomach bloats and fills with gas. This can be very dangerous and even fatal if not treated quickly.

Doberman Sheepdog mixes are also susceptible to von Willebrand disease, a bleeding disorder. Dogs with this disease may experience persistent bleeding from minor injuries, or develop nosebleeds or bloody diarrhea.

Overall, Doberman Shepherd mixes are healthy, loyal and loving dogs. However, like all breeds, they can be prone to certain health problems.

The Doberman Sheepdog mix is a unique blend of two different breeds. The result is a dog with a thick, luxurious coat that is either black and tan or black and red. The coat is dense and water repellent, making this mixed breed an excellent choice for people who live in cold climates. The coat needs to be brushed regularly to maintain its healthy appearance.

Fur length long - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy massive, strong, strong, sporty, square
Size ♀ 55 - 68 cm
Weight ♀ 22 - 45 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 72 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • Blue Doberman Syndrome

    Blue Doberman Syndrome (Alopecia). This is a hereditary disease that leads to progressive hair loss.

  • Dancing Doberman Diseas

    Initially, there is only bending of the legs, which is caused by muscle failure. In the advanced stage, the disease then leads to paralysis.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    The hip dysplasia or hip joint dysplasia of the dog (HD) is a maldevelopment of the hip joint.

  • Hypothyroidism

    Most often, dogs get sick in middle age. Causes of hypothyroidism. Several causes of hypothyroidism are known.

  • Ataxia

    Ataxia (from Greek ἀταξία ataxia 'disorder' 'irregularity') is a generic term in medicine for various disorders of movement coordination. Ataxia can occur even when there is no paralysis (paresis), that is, when there is normal muscle strength.

  • Wobbler syndrome

    In veterinary medicine, this is the name given to a complex of symptoms caused by nerve damage in the area of the spinal cord or spinal cord nerves in the area of the cervical spine.

  • The average life expectancy of a Doberman Sheepdog is 10 to 12 years.

  • The most common health problems in the Doberman Shepherd mix are hip and elbow dysplasia, flatulence, and von Willebrand disease.

  • The ideal weight for a Doberman Sheepdog is between 25 and 30 kg, and their body measurements are as follows: Chest circumference - 85 cm, length of the back - 70 cm, and height at the shoulder - 60 cm.

  • The coat of the Doberman Sheepdog is short, dense and smooth. The coat may be black, tan, blue or fawn in color.

  • Doberman Sheepdogs are loyal, protective and loving dogs that make excellent family pets. However, they are not recommended for first-time dog owners.

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